Friday, July 28, 2017

Killer politics 072617

Trump's termites are beginning to revolt; the House just held a vote on Russian sanctions and only three representatives sided with the president despite his active lobbying.  The House stated that they were sending a message to Trump that they are watching him.  Two, possibly more, Secretaries are thinking about resigning.  The Mooch threatened to fire everyone in the White House that weren't personally loyal to Der Donald. Should the Vice President Mike Pence recluse himself on policy votes in the Senate as a possible conflict of interest when he has to step up to the plate?

America is supposedly the richest and most advanced society in the world yet it denies the weakest and poor basic health care.  The Senate makes another "Hail Mary" desperate attempt to save face while deceiving the public that Congress cares.  Drop this nightmare of a political apple for Trump.  Pass on the vote and sit down with the experts to craft repairs to the existing health care plan making it better.  Trump just wants to brand a big "T" on something. Where the GOP shot itself in the foot was by branding and almost good plan with the name of an evil "Democrat".  How many more times is the GOP going to try to sell bad legislation?

U.S. finishes fourth in math brainpower during an international competition.  Beaten by Korea, China, and Vietnam America can't see the handwriting on the wall that it is no longer the world's educated elite when brainpower weighs more that bluster.

It seems that the new national propaganda minister Anthony (Mooch) Scaramucci is going to be highly successful.  Although highly undiplomatic with his foul mouth he has diverted the spotlight from the Trump family and administration's criminal activities.  The Mooch is also proving to be a skilled executioner of old Trump allies as he slices into highly place White House power brokers in and attempt to force them out with himself replacing them.  Do we want a former Hedge fund scam artist as the number two in the White House? Doesn't it already have enough problems? 

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