Friday, October 29, 2010

Scorched earth politics 102520

October is a frightening month for most Americans.  Not only is it the month of pagan Halloween rituals, but the streets run red with the more horrifying political blitz leading up to November elections.

Mythology holds that The United States was established as a democracy and continues to serve as the leading democratic model to the world.  In the era of instant communications however, the world is watching the horrific spectacle of democratic scorched earth politics in a land of hypocrisy.

Contrary to popular opinion dirty politics are not an American invention.  Probably the first cavemen resorted to a club to the back of the head in pursuit tribal leadership.  Americans have however, institutionalized “whatever it takes” politics with university courses in campaigning and as a leading export that follows the American sword.  Even the founding fathers resorted to “spin” and dirty politics with pamphleteers.  The pamphlets of the 18th century had limited circulation but great influence, being directed to an oligarchy since most people couldn’t vote.

Democracy is the true expression of the people, all the people the key being an informed public.  The key to current political campaigning, however, is to prevent that same public from ever becoming informed.

The 18th century pamphleteers would envy today's campaigners' access to TV, Internet, face book, twitter, etc.  Information overload without accountability, images and words fly absence of context, truth or reason.  Negative campaigning has become the norm.  Outrageous charge and counter charge alienate the increasingly disinformed public who votes against candidates rather than for a better choice.  Campaigns are so viscous that there is no post election healing.   Radical right and left seize the agenda, victimizing the public and its will to choose between bad, badder and baddest candidates.

In one respect democracy does live through the available electronic media.  Anyone can jump into a ring from his or her living rooms with ever-wilder rhetoric.  Everyone now gets into the act with debates between candidates for dogcatcher campaign in kinder gardens, the cutest puppy wins.   Ridiculous, maybe but the democratic process is fracture and increasingly fragmented by rhetorical demonization.  Demonized is every idea and moral that differs from that of the power seekers.  A political corruption that legitimizes book burnings, racism, criminal activity and disenfranchises the electorate.  An alienation that legitimizes radicals who point to a one-vote victory as a mandate to continue the erosion of freedoms.

Increasingly the electorate sees the process as corrupt, feel frustrated and deceived.  The democratic process is no longer government of the majority but government of competing minorities responding only to increasing extremism.  The moderate majority is left without voice but must pay the bill. “Taxation without representation,” familiar?

A government of the minority is a government of elected evil with corruption becoming endemic.  Secrecy, deception and cover-up are to tools of the corrupt.   Devoid of ethics and integrity, abuse of power becomes the political norm and the rights of man become a historical footnote.  Elected evil is no less evil, more terrifying than the wicked witch of the west, who may even be a candidate.

It maybe time for the overdue Jeffersonian reforms, another horrifying thought.