Monday, December 31, 2018

Reflections 122618

Wrap up

The end of the year between Christmas and New Years is the traditional time for quite reflection of the year that was and the year to come.

Trump’s Christmas gift to democracy.  Dec 27/28 he stated he will use his Justice Department to imprison Democratic Congressmen for crimes if they attempt to investigate his Treason, High crimes and Misdemeanors.    With the Democratic Party outlawed the nation becomes imprisoned with no protector but the GOP rubber stamp Congress and courts, which falls under control of the supreme Humbug Party.  (Look it up) Will they have special shirts and salutes?

Trump has found the funding for his wall, he said he will end federal flood insurance.  It is more than a little insane to attempt close down the flood insurance program during major flooding across much of the nation.  It is doubtful if even his Humbug Party will go along with Trump’s latest order.  The flood program is not an executive program but a federal program that was approved and funded by the Congress.  The Humbugers are also faced with another dynamic, large portions of the flooded areas supported the Humbug party and 2020 is just around the corner.  If billions in disaster funds are not enough Trump announced that he will withhold cost of living raises for federal employees.  His latest using his own fake facts, is that he is going to make 25 Billion dollars for the wall by withholding welfare payments.

Trump lowered the federal clean air clean standards so his business friends could again darken our skies and poison the air with coal and chemical emissions.  Voters must learn to love green skies and shoulder low smog.  In another attempt to destroy our national heritage there is a bill to sell the nation's soul to big business.  There is money to be made for the inter circle by oil and mineral mining in the national parks.  After business exploits the land there will be no parks to see, only desertification that will eventually creep into farmlands.  Of course we can then use scant corporate rent monies to buy grain from China and beef from South America.  Russia could provide citrus from its seized Black Sea region.  Everyone wins except the United States.  Is that the plan? 

It has been a busy week for Trump.  He managed a campaign rally with deployed U.S. military personnel where he insulted the troops with extreme humbug, exposed classified information and outraged a friendly nation.  While he was at it he turned Kurdish allies into an enemy's ally that of American arch demon Syria’s Assad. Trump effectively silenced all American influence in Asia leaving an open field for exploitation by non-friends: China, Iran, Russia and Turkey.  There is oil and minerals under all that sand.  Of course we don't need their oil we are going to pump our national parks dry.

The art of the deal, remember the ghosted book.  With the exception of Russia and Saudi Arabia Trump demonized friends and foes alike bragging he would make them bow to his great skills as a negotiator.  His name calling raving rants disrupted a number on going negotiations and really displeased (there is better word) foreign negotiators.  When Trump finally sat down with foreign leaders, he claimed it was a "Love Fest".   It probably is true, Trump bent over for; Putin, China XI, North Korea's Kim, Saudi's MBS and even Mexico got everything they wanted.  Trump did get his photo op but America lost.

In a holiday grandstand play, like a petulant child Trump shut down government because Congress would not fund his wall.  An estimated 400,000 federal employees and their families lacked holiday sugarplums because the White House Scrooge had a temper tantrum.   The wall won't work even if it gets built.  It is a boondoggle to beat all boondoggles that waste money and resources on a throwaway campaign sound bite.  The Great Wall of China failed to keep out Mongols.  Rome's Adrian's Wall failed to keep the Scots pinned in. The Maginot line didn't deter the Germans. McNamara's Line was equally a failure in South Vietnam.  Don't forget the Berlin Wall failure to keep East Germans contained.  In each case the wall failed despite being guarded by massive numbers of troops.  Trump's latest claim is if he doesn't get his wall he will seal the border.  It's estimated it would require 666,000 military personnel to seal the entire border for 24 hours. The U.S. Army and Marines has 748,000 personnel.  The Generals don't stand guard so they are out and only 20 percent are trained to defend the nation. Will they shoot women and children to protect the regime?  We can't make it even if all our troops come home.  The Navy and Coast Guard can't get their ships through the mountains, or is a canal from the Gulf to the Pacific planned?  Will the Space Corps fire its death rays along the border?  That might dig a canal.

While the ultimate boondoggle has no chance of working in the long term.  It does give jobs to Mexicans who will be hired to build the wall; they at least won't jump the wall until it's they are finished. What are the costs figures for maintaining the wall, or does it just fall down after a year?  Question, how much will the Trump organization make for managing the project?  Based on records when the first stake is driven the organization should be renamed Corruption Inc.

Around the world reforms are protecting children from exploitation.  That is everywhere but in the United States where over 13,000 children are being held in concentration camps.  Camps mismanaged by private companies with questionable records but with friends in the Humbug Party.  Despite government and business news blackouts, official information has leaked out of; over 400 lost children, sexual and physical abuse of children, poor and sparse food, even death.  Trump is attempting to roll back Freedom of Information legislation to hide administration missteps. Winter is here and it's probable the children have no winter clothes and heating cost money.  The administration can keep the kids warm by putting them to work on the wall.  Free labor, it worked for Stalin and the Nazi party why not the Humbug Party.  The amazing thing is there are no protest marches on America streets.  It might be explained by the fact that the concentration camps are a product of the Humbug Party and the Party is suppressing not only information but also investigations and accountability.

It is possible that the White House has engaged in insider trading.  The stock market has been on a roller coaster this year, up a few hundred points on rosy White House propaganda.  A couple of weeks later the market falls several hundred points on White House gloom and doom rages.  The cycle has repeated itself several times.  Those in the know of coming tweets can buy low and sell high for substantial profits over and over.  Money managers generally recognize that the year-end market plunge is the direct result of Trump's angry December financial rants.  The questions in the buy low White House is, will the next rant drive the market lower, how long will it take for the market to recover, can new fake facts be created to bring the market back?  

 Since Trump never takes responsibility for any of his failures he is definitely seeking scapegoats for his repeated blunders.  He is destroying the GOP and is an accessory before and after its destruction.  If the GOP will stand up for the nation it might survive, stand with White House dysfunction and the Party and nation faces oblivion, only a footnotes in history.

NOTE: Follow Washington government activities at ""