Wednesday, July 12, 2017

DDD notes 070717

Article is a combination of facts and supposition on the administration's actions (or lack of) during the last several days.

After discovering just how gullible Americans really are Putin met with Der Donald to issue new orders to his high placed agent.  An expert in media suppression Putin advise the Donald scale up his twitter attacks with formal charges of treason then disappearing a few prominent journalist as a warning. 

States resist Trump's demands: At last some politicians are standing up to Der Donald's authoritarian aspirations.  The administration attempts to compile a massive data base of every U.S  citizen's political histories not only invades personal privacy but also establishes the secret lists for disappearance into an American gulag in the name of national security.  Der Donald's actions follow history's long line of dictators including his BFF Putin.

North Korea: Two nuts loose on the floor is a prescription for the United States to slip and fall making peanut butter of the world.  Beware of Der Dumb Donald (DDD) slinging random smart bombs to raise his poll number and rally Trump's troops to the flag. Kim Jong-un’s regime would surely sling missiles, with or without warheads, in all directions in a death dance.  Friends and foes alike would be targeted, spreading conflict far beyond the missiles' range. Dissentients everywhere would seize the distraction to further their own agendas expanding terrorism.  Put the nuts, DDD's mouth (twitter), back in the can to prevent, the nation becoming mired in sticky peanut butter.  This is a case for eroding U.S. Soft Power to yield to UN and regional power resolution.  The U.S. is already the designated regional spoiled nut whose word can no longer be trusted.  It's a small globe in the 21st century, conservatives may fight it but when a small nobody country or even individuals can embroil the world in conflict no one country can stop it or survive.

A few year ago an academic study of media informed public discovered that those who receive all their information from television is less well informed than those who received no direct information.  Der Donald admits that he doesn't read not even the one-page summaries his staff writes, and gets most of his information directly from TV sound bites.  A disciple of clearly partisan FOX News Der Donald becomes the promoter and victim of circular reporting.  Der Donald is a want-a-be autocrat with delusion of the power of a latter day Der Furhrer.  To achieve his end the White House has developed a dark side disinformation bureau that "leaks" false information to be later refuted on the bright side.  A clear attempt to destroy a free press. To quote George Orwell, "The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."

Trump's troops took to social media calling for revolution against the traitorous liberals who were indicting Der Donald as a tyrant. Interesting that they recognized the parallels but the quoted document was the annual Fourth of July printing & media reading of America's founding document the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain's George III's tyranny.

DOD budget, we've spread the troops very thin and shorted their pay for years.  We need more troops (or fewer missions) and they need to be able to support their families, fund that.  When it comes to new toys and associated waste take a long hard look before spending more money after bad.  Just tagging things as national security doesn't automatically mean dumping money into defense's bottomless hole.

Democrats push for a board to study the President's competency to serve: Der Donald's fitness to serve is questionable and he does poises a long-term threat to the nation's interest.  That said, making his qualification a partisan issue is a mistake.  This is a national issue.  Congress and the White House should stop covering up for him.  Republicans do this in political power self-interest, but this may be a case of stand together sink together.  Sooner or later they must consider the nation's interest.

Goaded by Der Donald, Trump's troops have declared war on the educated, media. unions and civil service while embracing the church as a savior from all evil.  A recent study found that the troops are against colleges as liberal counter revolutionaries against Trump's truths.  All media outlets should be shut down except Fox News, which would become the nation's official mouthpiece.   Of course union members are beyond the pale and to be deported as illegal aliens with foreign ideas.  Civil servants can be replaced as in the 19th century with patronage appointees. Born again Protestants will establish a new freedom of religion in America that excludes only Buddhists, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Zoroastrians.  Following the example of Henry the Eight, Der Donald will declare himself archbishop of the new theocracy.  May be Melania should consider a protestant cloister or risk a very close haircut.  If the universities are shut down there would be fewer lawyers (not a bad thing) and doctors to play all the Thump golf courses. Der Donald has nothing to fear however there will be lots of faith healers, ward bosses and brokers making deals for real estate left vacant by deportations and internment's in concentration camps.

Trump ever the entertainer keeps his name out there, understanding any publicity is good publicity for a star. Most politician lie, Bill Clinton did it for entertainment.  Bush II did it for oil and Dick Cheney's vision.  Trump leaks false information for the purpose of destroying the media, grabbing headlines and personal gain while destroying the nation.  He is very good at it, knowing few Americans remember of care about issues but they recognize names.  Particularly names that rhyme; bump, lump, jump, dump, rump etc.

JR's emails fans the gun smoke clouding the White House but more interesting is the revelation that Trump's Moscow Tower is on hold because of U.S. sanctions that he is trying to lift.

This list could go on and on as facts, even alternate facts, drift around in the gun smoke.  Elected officials should remember they represent the people and the nation.  Party loyalty is trumped (little T) by democracy.

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