Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mad bomber 102718

Blame the messenger, to hide responsibility.  Trump is not solely responsible for the increasing violence but he has been the primary witch stirring the pot of hate and fear for the last two years.  Double, double toil and trouble; is Shakespeare now a White House strategist?

Stand to
Remember Kent State?  Troops have one purpose, to shoot.  This small number of troops on the border are outnumber at least five to one.  They have no chance of stopping a mob flowing around, over and through them.  At best the troops could only defend two of three football fields without shooting.  This is just another Trump ploy to influence the mid-term elections through fear. (Note: last word is for the same number of troops to be deployed to the border as caravan members for a one on one confrontation.)

Roller coaster
Maybe there is method to the madness, at least where the issue is money.  Trump makes a rosy proclamation and the market soars.  A few days later he makes another of his fire and brimstone campaign hate speeches and the market plunges.  The cycle repeats with false claims of happy days are here again followed by fact checks and trade war threats.  It seems the market is being manipulated from the White House where those in the know of the next speech stand to make significant profits. This is called insider trading, which is illegal for the average investor.  But when the insider is the one doing the manipulation and packing the courts with possible beneficiaries of his information, is it still illegal?   This may go a long way in explaining how the GOP is out spending Democrats in the coming election. Nixon was called a crook but he didn't use the White House for profit.   The house is becoming a little dingy, will another coat of paint bring back it luster or will it just fade away as the great manipulator hangs red lanterns in all its windows.  The forecast White House exodus makes one wonder about possible net worth growth and golden parachutes.  Follow the MONEY!

Trump has blamed the Democrats, Jews, Hispanics and fake media for electioneering violence. The real fake is in and from the White House.  This is an administration built on divide and conquer, with hatred as its instrument.  TV news doesn't have a sterling record but in general it a self-correcting balanced presentation.  Then again there is FOX News, should it be required to register as a lobbyist organization?  It's been discovered that Trump is using tax dollars to further his hate speak far beyond American borders.  Trump had complained that U.S. propaganda agencies have not adequately supported his agenda.  Propagandists at USIA's Radio Marti were recently caught following orders with open attacks on Trump's political enemies as well as minorities deemed enemies of the regime.  Will these enemies soon join the children already in concentration camps? 

Trump has stated that he is going to sign an executive order to cancel the citizenship of natural born American children of non-citizens.  It follows that they will be deported as undesirable aliens.  Picture an 80 year old lady who has live her entire life as an American being dragged out of her home and deported to some foreign land she never knew.  Of course all her children, grand children and great grand children must also be deported because they also are now the progeny of a non-citizen.  Let's make a clean sweep and deport anyone with a non-citizen ancestor.  The country can free is itself from the illegal heritage influence of British, Blacks, Germans, Irish, Italians, Swedes, Jews, Cubans, etc, etc.  Indians and Southwest Mexicans present a unique legal question; they became American citizens by conquest of their own lands.  Not a real problem with packed courts hearing the cases.   Then again will there be any GOP judges left after the deportations?  It was only a matter of time before Trump would attempt to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and in essence declare himself supreme monarch.  Which of his own children will become the heir apparent to the throne?  The monarch has already declared himself above the law and of all oversight, but he may be the ruler of an empty land.  Who will stay in the various Trump towers and play on his golf courses?  He will have no problems with their up-keep, he has already granted himself exemptions for employing undocumented workers.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

moving on 102418

102418 Nationalism
Trump is following the time-honored practice of all dictators by declaring himself a nationalist. Should we expect a declaration of "President for Life" soon after coming election results are tallied, no matter the outcome?  Why not, so far he has pretty much ignored law and reason governing by executive dictates.

The so called migrant caravan seems suspicious, a group of diverse individuals, came together and began a long trek across three countries to arrive at the United States border just before its mid-term elections.  As it winds its agonizing way north the question arises did GOP provocateurs instigate an electioneering ploy?  If so then the caravan has taken on a life of its own as more people join the parade. Trump is rallying his electoral mob with loud raciest campaign rants to employ the military to destroy this foreign invasion.  In two weeks will the polls open with photos of American troops gunning down women and children?  Will this go down as another Long March? Opposed by another nationalist, the survivors of that Long March twenty years later not only disposed the nationalist but also took over his much larger country.

Nuc treaty
The non-decision to withdraw from IRNF treaty is a dumb idea, we should seek to expand nuclear limitations not expand nuclear stockpiles.  Look at the issue in another perspective the treaty was the result of actions by GOP God, Reagan.  Is Trump saying God was evil?  The question must also be ask, is this a real treaty or not?  If it is a treaty then it ranks along with the U.S. Constitution and Trump has no power to ignore the Constitution, although he tries.  This becomes another dictatorial power grab by Trump.  Treaties may be renegotiated, with the advice & consent (approval)  of the Senate, then ratified by the president only then is the old treaty retired and new treaty becomes the law of the land.  Dictator Don is out to destroy not only the Constitution but also international order.  If McConnell pushes this one through it is the end of the rule of law and the nation.  The GOP will become the world's second most hated political party.

Mid-terms 18
This is the year of hate.  It's also the year when voters must forget party loyalty.  Moderate Republicans must embrace moderate Democrats and independents to use their overwhelming combined electoral power to destroy political radicalism and extremism.  It may well be the last opportunity to prevent the ultimate decline and fall of the United States.  History has shown that uncontested great power last only about a hundred years. Powers are not defeated but in essence die by their own hand.  The United States grabbed great power status in 1918, it is now 2018 and the country is on increasingly shaky ground. At stake in this election is not party control of the House and Senate but the survival of American democracy and image of an enlightened nation.  The very images of a united country, where all people are free and equal under the law.  A country that doesn't hold 13 thousand ethnic children in concentration camps where they are sexually abuse and treated as criminals.  A country that allows all adult citizens too freely vote.  A country that doesn't condone gunning down citizens just because of race, creed, religion, sexual or political orientation.