Saturday, November 12, 2016

Get over it 111116

Like it or not the election is over and there is a winner.  Both parties are seeking to understand the results, fix the blame and develop new strategies.

The problem, they are looking back not forward.  For two days on air pundits have been trying to figure out how they could be so wrong.  Clinton supporters have been taking to the streets to change the outcome.  Get over it, the election is over and the other guy won.

Now is the time to discover that there are no Democrats or Republicans only Americans that deserve the very best efforts of both parties.  Both candidates ran outside their party dragging it along behind.  It is a New World out there and the parties will have to adjust rather than the world having to adjust to the party.

Lock step party loyalty is a thing of the past.  The party's future lies in a vision rather than a candidate.  Both candidates spread fear and hate but now is the time to government to govern for all the people, all the time.  Accept the decision move forward, deal with reality and try to get ahead of the problems.

Don't look back, make things work.  The will of the people is solve problems not make more.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Losers 110616

It is still to early to predict the next president of the United States but it easy to forecast the losers of the current election.

With the possible exception of the 4000 or so sycophants the new president gets to appoint, the whole world is a loser in this election.  With all the venom left in the air by campaign 16 it may be time replace the Stars and Stripes with the old colonial rattlesnake flag.  The new president's major task is to attempt to heal the county and present a united country to the world. Failure to heal the divisions of the country effects the country's soft power.

Soft power comes with the world's respect of just who are the United States.  After the bone breaking of campaigning of 15/16 it is obvious that the United States is not the model for democratic reform, or even a democratic process.  The candidates ran outside their party and didn't pay any attention to a platform of any kind.  The campaign hung on far to long, Conservative estimates are 18 months but reality is that at least one candidate began campaigning four years before the election.

Soft power has been eroding for years as the United States forcefully twisted arms and sent in troops to obtain the unobtainable.  Often the objectives of intervention were not defined with the troops left to shoot them all.  A philosophy they brought home to the streets of hometown America.  The United States today is not your fathers' country and there is no point in trying to return to the "good old days" which weren't really all that good.

The victor of campaign 16 must start from where the county is now. It has been a long time coming as Woodrow Wilson squandered America's soft power at Versailles,  FDR constructed the UN as the forum for American soft power but his successors embraced hard intervention.

The new president is faced with two challenges: bring the country back from the precipice and to rebuild the countries' influence in the world.  Failure at home may lead to a break up of the United States and another Civil War with states succession following the federal government euphoric model for the break up in other countries.  The world will applaud the break up of the United States, Canada and Mexico will reach out to former lands.  Foreign countries will be quick to support breakaway states following shortsighted policies of the federal government. 

Healing the country is only the first step in regaining international standing.  The country must not walk away from the world but lead rather than continue its attempts to force that world into a proven flawed form of government.

The country needs a vision for the future not more power politics that only serves indivual interest.   The people need to be led to a better nation not driven by sound bites and demography.

Where do you want to be in 10, 20 years or make losers of your grand kids in the 22d century?

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Party time 103016

Party time is lots noise, music, balloons, confetti and free flowing champagne.  All true but the celebration for this years election finds the noise confused, music off key the balloons popped, confetti littering the floor and champagne flat.

In the United States the two political parties have put forth mutually despised candidates.  With little choice voters have fallen back on party labels to cast their votes.  The problem is that neither candidate reflects the tradition philosophy of their parties.  The reality is that the parties themselves are unsure what their philosophy now embraces.  Parties shot themselves in both feet by establishing procedures that limited open choice candidates.  Under the two party system viable candidates were unable to get traction for nomination.  Even before the conventions the outcomes were forgone conclusions.  The reality is that party conventions are relegated to expensive media shows that have become politically irrelevant. 

The shows do serve a purpose they delude masses that their opinions matter.  The show builds hysterical excitement but allows no choice, candidates and platforms are already determined.  It's a campaign extravagance hold over from the old days when state delegates actually openly debated platform planks and chose candidates.  The result is that the United States' two party system has evolved into umbrella parties where the loudest control the message, owning both the candidate and platform.  The public's lack of free choice is obscured by the professional showmanship.  The two party system has actually become a major step away from democracy.  A major step to the right where people are given little choice in the next four years of government.  Voting a party labels are no help as the labels no longer reflect philosophy.

Third parties may be true to their philosophy but lack the funding to blitz a jaded public.  It maybe time for a multi-party system where voters know what candidates really stand for, or at least a ballot option for "None of the Above."

Before embracing multi-party systems take a look at the options.  Many countries already have multiple parties which fare little better than the U.S. two parties.  Whatever the label, party leaders follow their own agendas that often diverge from that of the rank and file.  Membership continues to vote the label out of past loyalty even when party leaders go in a different direction.

Question what the party stands for and if candidates support the platform.  Candidates now are independent of party and establish their own agendas forcing allegiance of party loyalty.   The news media, enjoying campaign champagne, fails to inform by feeding the horse race excitement.

It is time to reform the two party system or voters must get use to crying over fallen confetti and swilling stale champagne.  The bubbles no longer tickle the nose but you can still get drunk over your winner.

Few remember when we voted for someone rather that the lessor of two evils.  Wouldn't it be nice to vote for someone?  We would really enjoy that party.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sad state 081016

This is the time for all good men to come to the of their country.  An old typing drill phrase that has taken on new relevance in American 2016 electioneering.  It is truly a sad state of affairs for democracy when the will of minority extremes can leave the majority with only bad options.  The majority's sadness may lead to an end of the two party system that served as moderator of the electorate's emotional swings.

A key axiom of democracy is that it reflects the will of a well informed majority, it is sad that the majority isn't well informed and abandons honest information for minority rants.  How is this possible in the information age?  It may actually be a product of the information age that has led to the sad state of the "fourth estate" (journalism).   Thoughtful print journalist are a dying breed whose graves are being dug by a public to busy to think or even read, seeing only misleading, flashy sound bites.

Television news opened with great promise as respected print reporters provided depth to the 15 minute news window that interrupted the revenue flow of entertainment.  The networks discovered that TV news provided prestige offsetting poor ratings and expanded the news window.  Competition between networks' news programs began generating a revenue flow, which lifted news out of public service category.  Its new status didn't lead to a better informed public but rather a less knowledgeable  one.

Craggy old reporters began to age out of talking head shots replaced by a new breed of "beautiful people journalist."  Unable to phantom dynamic news the beautiful people embraced entertainment formats, sadly the sound and fury of sound bites that replace substance mesmerized viewers.  "It's not news without video" with spectacular visuals coloring editorial judgements.  Conflicting on screen messages where voice, video and visuals don't match confuses viewers.  Even if TV journalists manages to get the story they add wild-eyed speculation mudding perceptions. Sadly election "16" is the product of news windows where bad jokes, speculation and self-promoting chitchat of news personalities seeking stardom in larger markets color the news.  Sadly this self-aggrandizement also limits the available minutes for even the misleading sound bites. `

All the news that's fit to print died with the broad sheet.  News execs quote Thomas Jefferson as the guru of free press but ignore the fact that as president he tried to censor the news and control the message.  It's sad that is the only message that came through to politicians was demonizing truth and a free press, works

While newspapers struggle with TV, it struggles against the new Internet news, now competing with social media for market share.  Media theorist applauds the proliferation of news outlets as the ultimate guaranteed of democracy.  Sadly when tested the theory fails the test of informed polity.  Despite all the new outlets the 21st century public is less informed than 19th century's publics.

Social media was credited for the "Arab spring" which failed to bring democracy, only instability.   Social media has demonstrated a certain degree of democracy since anyone can incite a mob and fan hate, but mobs go in unexpected direction. In England an unexpected outcome was Brexit, in the United States the results of election are still to be determined but lack of a well-informed electorate results in two despised candidates chosen by social media minorities.  The sadness will continue to play out as the voices continue to twist mob opinions.  The real sadness is our heritage to the future is destabilization of orders as media flails public knowledge with colorful fun entertainment. States are really in a sad state as they crumble before social media mob voices.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Hallelujah 012216

I checked my wife into a hospital for quick sliced and dices (out patient surgery).  She had just gotten into a lovely back less gown and slipped into bed when a wild eyed bible thumper burst through the thin privacy curtain demanding to know what religion we were.

I'm not sure if he was searching for Muslim terrorist, Jewish money lenders, Hindu fakirs or his own private brand of disciples lining up for a turn at his punch bowl.   Taken aback by the unexpected demand I blurted out that I was a "Reluctant Christian."  With an evil glint in his eye my interrogator pounce, he had discovered a backsliding heretic and was already stoking the fires for a public stake fry.

As he began to gather his inquisitor tools I realized my precarious position and decided the best defense was offense, and Christianity provides a complete arsenal of counter strike weapons.  The first being that a desire for a God (under what ever name) has nothing to do with religion.  Religion is something created by some politician come Priest, Preacher, Imam, Mullah etc. uses in gathering a flock.  The larger the flock the more extreme and dogmatic the religion become.

It's possible that the Holy Land's barren state is due to early Christianity felling trees to feed the demand for fake holy relics by the flood of pilgrims.  The Christian Bishop of Rome used Roman Legions' swords to chop down competing branches of the Christian tree.  A call to counter the rise of Islam was over the loss of pilgrim spending rather than objection to Islam. The then Roman Pope seized an opportunity to consolidate religious power in Rome by calling for a Crusade.  Crusader focusing on loot, private fiefdoms and political glory: raped, pillaged and plundered their way into the holy lands.  Muslims were shocked by Christian blood lust for Islam protected women, children, non-combatants and prisoners.  Crusaders may well have slaughtered more Christians and Jews than Muslims while growing rich on their seized possession.  Driven from their looted kingdoms Christian Crusaders rampaged across Europe as Popes unleashed Inquisitors that devised torture methodologies still used as models by good Christian interrogators. 

The Inquisitors first focused on suppression of heretics, Jews and later Protestants.  Although pogroms were common before the inquisitions, all Christendom now sanctioned Jewish Ghettos and pogroms.  Ghettos were a place where good Christians could demonstrate their piety by breaking a good many heads.

Bored with raiding the Ghettos and fighting among themselves good Christians "sailed the oceans blue" for loot and new peoples to annihilate.  Good Catholic Christians practiced genocide in the southern hemisphere while good Protestant Christians went after native North Americans with ethnic cleansing, torture and genocide.  Nightriders spread their nooses wide burning crosses in black, Jewish and Catholic yards before lashing and hanging the owners.  Lynch mobs knew ever Christian hanging tree and preachers often blessed the ropes.  It was good Christian preaching that spread damnation across the country and later, the Pacific, destroying native cultures and eventually the native peoples themselves.  Good Christian missionaries became rich plantation owners on looted land.

The late 19th century saw the rise of good Christian excesses of burnings, lynchings and looting.  Christian armies went on to establish good Christian empires.  Eventually this led to good Christian run concentration and death camps as good Christians battled other good Christians. Wars opened up the world to good Protestant Missionaries backed by good Christian bayonets.  Basic survival of native populations rested on  their ability to shout a loud  Hallelujah.  Good Christians didn't know the word came from Hebrew or there would have been a rush on mouthwash.  Onward Christian Soldiers opened the gates of death camps and continued an imperial march over native populations with forced Christian conversions or ethnic cleansing of nationalist movements.  Resistance to Christian goals is met by good Christians calling for more crusades.   Modern crusaders, like their ancestors, are met by a fast spreading fire around the globe.  Non Protestant resistance has led to more good Christian demands for eradication of non-believers.  Campaign 2016 sees not so good Christian politicians pandering to good Christians with promises of ethnic cleansing.  Good Christians are already gunning down minorities with impunity.  Can death camps be far behind?

By this time the bible thumper had backed to the wall and was frantically searching for an escape.  When a doctor appeared and thumper used the diversion to slipped out, no doubt reporting me to the good Christian thought police.  Presidential candidates are so locked into good Christian evangelical demands that I'm a marked man.  As soon as all the votes are tallied I'll quietly fall victim to night and fog of the new religious police and disappear forever into a good Christian "re-education camp" until good Christian ovens are built.

Good Christians create their own devils and in the 21st century those devils know how to raise an army on the social media.  Beware of a backlash to Christian fanaticism, the world is not your own.

Unfair 122015

I recently suffered a personal loss that demonstrated the five stages of grief were publish or perish theory, and not my reality.  On hearing the news I went directly to an angry response of “It’s not fair.”

It wasn’t fair, but my mind slipped quickly from the cliche “life is not fair” to all the unfairness of today.  Partly this is an analytical mind distracting itself from pain.  It was also a reach for solidarity with all the others struggling against the unfairness of it all.

It’s not fair that protection under the law has evolved to shoot first and don’t ask any questions.  It’s not fair that the legal shooters can’t even hit their seven-foot target despite filling the air with hundreds of bullets that take out innocents as bad guys strolls away.

It’s not fair that voters are subjected to a two year comedy of horrifying electioneering that will throw them twisting into a purgatory of regrets for four more years.  It's not fair that politicians spend more time electioneering than governing.  It's not fair that they spend more money to gain power than they can hope to honestly earn in a lifetime.

We can live with “good guys finish last,” but it’s not fair that the bad guys always finish on top.  How about a President who took great pride in getting away with lying to the public.  Or the academics who manipulates research to support political biases for government grants.  Then there are the public persecutors who railroad the innocent for political advancement and deny redress to the persecuted..

It's not fair that rich nations have large populations of starving children and homeless.  It's not fair that there are even larger segments of populations that live in fear of their own governments.  It's not fair that the super rich are able to buy elections.  It's not fair that a growing marketing industry's sole product is deception.  It's not fair that the television industry has deteriorated to an opiate for the masses.  It's not fair that the social media now trumps reality.  It's not fair that cheap reality television now passes as quality art.    It's not fair that stores get away forcing you to buy what they have rather than what you want.  It's not fair that customer spend more on gas searching for what they do want than the item is worth.  It's not fair that sales persons know nothing about the products they sell, and only know how to demand cash or credit.

It's not fair that students can graduate on credit for standardize testing and still are unable to read, write or compute.  It's not fair that teachers are not trusted to fairly grade students but are allowed to send them to jail on their emotional fears. It's not fair that the former greatness of public education is falling under the weight of for profit schooling.   It's not fair that as more money is spent on education literacy rates falls.

It's not fair that in the 21st century that the majority of people must even think about life's unfairness.  IT JUST AIN'T FAIR.