Thursday, July 27, 2017

Bunker 072717

Even with his brain burning out Senator John McCain sounds more presidential that Der Donald.  McCain gave a very public speech opposing Der Donald's military transgender rant. Should Twitter filter out his attack rants as terrorist activity?

GOP tries to push through another version of its health care plan after repeatedly failing more times than can be remembered.  Stop, give it up the GOP has no viable health plan, will write no such plan and is just mudding the water in the name of party loyalty.  Do something for the people that elected you to serve in their interest.  Come back next year with reasonable repairs of AHA just stop calling it Obama care and the problem is solved.

Democrats announced a new platform to regain power in the next election. Keep working on your platform; talk to the people for their ideas.  The people have a better understanding of national problems than DC political pros that created the problems.

There is a growing Bunker mentality in the White House as it hunkers down before the barrage of investigative details becoming exposed.  Trump's transgender ban appears to be another of his attempts to distract the public from Russian collusion and business investigations.  Reportedly he is seeking to fire his own recently appointed FBI director for failing to shut down its investigation.  He is publicly trying to humiliate his own Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his failure to short circuit the investigation in the beginning.  Sessions was an early supporter of Trump who apparently hopes Sessions will resign during the Senate recess.  If Session can be force out at that time Trump could replace him with a hatchet man. Without any Senate oversight hearing, the ax would be free to cut down the special counsel and all investigations.  The White House propaganda minister Anthony (the Mooch) Scaramucci with only six days in office is already swinging wildly, tossing staffers under buses for lack loyalty to the CEO.  Now he has gone on a twitter and TV news in an attack on the White House chief of staff, charging him with a felony and calling for a FBI investigation.  The felony that wasn't, publication of Mooch's public record information.  Supposedly the Mooch's TV attack came shortly after his meeting with Trump.  It appears that Der Donald is attempting to embarrass another loyalist he want to get rid of and the Mooch is his chosen ax to clear the bunker for defense against public accountability.  It appears that blood will flow from the bunker before the Mooch can slam the door on a rich man's bunker.  If Der Donald is able to shut down the investigations even for a short time the Mooch might be able spin out disinformation to cover the sound of shredding files and destruction of computers.  Is there a Rose Mary Woods somewhere in this administration or is it a smell of burning tapes in the smoke rising from the bunker?  McConnell is flailing away in the Senate while Sessions is still trying to run interference for Der Donald despite both being targeted.  Sessions' justice department is now trying to get discrimination protections for gays overturned in another diversion attempt.  Between administration driving out supporters and staffers who are looking for new jobs before being fired, The White House bunker may soon begin to look like a few rich white men hiding behind bales of money as the mob occupies the Towers.

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