Thursday, October 10, 2013

Irony 101013

Global Warming is a Democratic fiction according to Tea Party Terrorists (TPT) who states that there is no current scientific research to support the its existence. Their statement is correct, the TPT government shutdown has forced researchers to cease and desist in all things enlightening.  The shutdown has also forced the government to beg for public charity to support military casualties’ survivors.   In an irony adult Republican legislators are now begging Democrats for rescue from terrorism.  The situation would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.  Thousands of government workers can’t meet their obligations.  TPT gleefully denounce them as hogs getting fat rooting in the government trough but thousand, maybe millions more citizens are now also out of work because the Fed can’t pay its bills.  The old and disabled are terrified that they too will soon be starving and on the streets as government subsidies fail to arrive.    Retirees who scrimped and saved for the American Dream have seen their savings disappear as the stock market again plunges at the hands of TPT. The stability and solvency of America is now internationally viewed below that of Greece, Italy and North African States. Republicans are asking will an election endorsement by TPT be the kiss of death at the 2014 polls.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Partytime 100213

I don’t like the Democratic Party but the Republican Party has become absolutely terrifying.  Yes, terrifying because the Grand Old Party of Lincoln is now hostage to a radical group of Tea Party Terrorist (TPT) intent on destruction of over 200 years of American progress. TPT groups are anti-American, opposing integration, immigration, labor, veterans, disaster relief, health care, non-evangelical Christians, non-U.S. Americans and any exercise of freedom of choice.  Although TPT’s platform is inconsistent it does offer America a choice, chose TPT or face national shutdown, default on obligations, financial collapse and the nation driven into an American dark-age.  TPT are very good at flag waving propaganda, although lacking substance it managed to frighten the GOP into cowering in the corner while TPT run amok, exploding political car bombs from Florida, Texas, Michigan etc. to DC.  In the name of party unity the TPT has extorted Republican Party support for their political extremism.  Republicans must recover their backbone and stand up to domestic terrorism and again serve the public’s interest rather than party interest.  After a couple of centuries it is possible that we have finally discovered that the two party experiment is a failure and now must explore a multi-party system. A system where the majority is free to consider the extremes but still has the freedom to govern for the whole.