Monday, July 31, 2017

Changes 072917

At least three responsible Senators in the GOP.  McDonnell seems to be the man trying to push a dead weight stone up a mountain.  With ten failures a responsible leader would have stood up against WH pressure and kill the effort for bad legislation.  The GOP has problems, and out of control president and ineffectual majority leader.  It is up to the party to clean its own house for the people.

Climate change is extremely important.  Unfortunately politicians can only see the future as the next election.  Climate destruction continues over many election cycles, politicians should stand up for their grand children or see the end of humanity.

White House continues to militarize, beware of the coming coup.

"Moocher = a person who lives off others without giving anything in return." Interesting nick name for a hedge fund manager (one who builds great personal wealth off of other people's money) no wonder so many hedge funds have gone belly up.  It's probable that the government investigations of hedge funds have been short-circuited by this administration's self interest.  Notice how much the Mooch looks like a Russian mobster in his mirrored sunglasses.  Wonder how he is going to fair in the White House since he didn't get the chief's chair even after cutting the chief's throat.

This Administration has authorized American law enforcement to seize money, cars, houses and anything that attracts their eyes, without any court over look.  While a token  of the stolen assets will be retained by the departments it's probable that much will stick to fingers of crooked cops and there is little the victims can do.  Any protest would be charged as resistance to law enforcement and met with beatings, shootings and at best arrest since there is little the people can do.  Der Donald ordered the police to rough up everyone they arrest for what ever reason.  This along with the police's recent record of shooting the innocent, lying about it and getting a walk from the courts indicates a slide down the slippery slope to storm troopers and dictatorship.  (Note major law enforcement associations have come out against Der Donald's orders.)

The Mooch's wife is filing for divorce, citing his support of Der Donald.  Melania Trump stated her agenda as first lady was to end cyber bullying.  Since the world's greatest cyber bully is her husband does this mean she also will seek a divorce?  Maybe we will have the opportunity to stay in a Melania Tower.  She already plans for a foreign solo trip to the Invictus Games in Toronto.  Are the towers on fire and stairways already jammed with evacuees?

Friday, July 28, 2017

Heroes 072817

The word hero is used much to freely in the United States.  An American hero no longer has to be a Horatius (Horatio) defending a bridge against invading hordes.  The new American heroes don't even have be the equivalent of a Spartan of the famous 300 fighting the entire Persian army to a stand still.

Today's American hero merely has to take care that he doesn't trip over his own feet as he retreats from responsibility.

America does have one true hero of the old school, despite being implied to be a coward by his own president. John Sidney McCain III the 81 year old Senator from Arizona has spent most of his life in the service of his country.  As Navy combat pilot during the Vietnam War McCain faced death on ever mission deep over the north.  Over Hanoi in 1967 McCain was finally blown out of the sky and seriously injured.  Capture by the North Vietnamese he was repeatedly tortured for six year before being finally released.

After retiring from the Navy McCain was elected to Congress and later to the U.S. Senate, where he continues to serve with honor.  Considered a maverick (meaning he did not always toe the party line) he championed campaign reform which resulted in the McCain-Feingold Act in 2002 (the Bipartisan Campaign Reform).  He also vocally opposed pork barrel politics and was instrumental in a bi-partisan effort alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations.  If his service and standing for good government is not enough to justify the title of National Hero then this week seals his title.

On July 14 2017 McCain underwent a minimally invasive surgery that discovered an aggressive brain tumor.  While recovering at home before undergoing the rigor of cancer treatments the Senate was locked in a bloody GOP internecine battle over health care legislation.  Despite his illness McCain flew back to Washington on the 25th and delivered an outstanding speech condemning the party-line processes of the legislation.  Again flying cover for Senate colleagues to timid to stand up against Trump's threats and intimidation McCain tipped the scale casting his vote to kill legislation that harmed millions of people.  There is little that Trump could do to the Senator from Arizona who stood in the middle of the street in the finest western traditions of a shootout.

That is the character of a real hero standing nearly alone defending the nation against tyranny.

The prognosis for McCain is not good but he is a survivor.  Hang in there John, the country still needs you to stand up against an attempt at authoritarianism.

Killer politics 072617

Trump's termites are beginning to revolt; the House just held a vote on Russian sanctions and only three representatives sided with the president despite his active lobbying.  The House stated that they were sending a message to Trump that they are watching him.  Two, possibly more, Secretaries are thinking about resigning.  The Mooch threatened to fire everyone in the White House that weren't personally loyal to Der Donald. Should the Vice President Mike Pence recluse himself on policy votes in the Senate as a possible conflict of interest when he has to step up to the plate?

America is supposedly the richest and most advanced society in the world yet it denies the weakest and poor basic health care.  The Senate makes another "Hail Mary" desperate attempt to save face while deceiving the public that Congress cares.  Drop this nightmare of a political apple for Trump.  Pass on the vote and sit down with the experts to craft repairs to the existing health care plan making it better.  Trump just wants to brand a big "T" on something. Where the GOP shot itself in the foot was by branding and almost good plan with the name of an evil "Democrat".  How many more times is the GOP going to try to sell bad legislation?

U.S. finishes fourth in math brainpower during an international competition.  Beaten by Korea, China, and Vietnam America can't see the handwriting on the wall that it is no longer the world's educated elite when brainpower weighs more that bluster.

It seems that the new national propaganda minister Anthony (Mooch) Scaramucci is going to be highly successful.  Although highly undiplomatic with his foul mouth he has diverted the spotlight from the Trump family and administration's criminal activities.  The Mooch is also proving to be a skilled executioner of old Trump allies as he slices into highly place White House power brokers in and attempt to force them out with himself replacing them.  Do we want a former Hedge fund scam artist as the number two in the White House? Doesn't it already have enough problems? 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Bunker 072717

Even with his brain burning out Senator John McCain sounds more presidential that Der Donald.  McCain gave a very public speech opposing Der Donald's military transgender rant. Should Twitter filter out his attack rants as terrorist activity?

GOP tries to push through another version of its health care plan after repeatedly failing more times than can be remembered.  Stop, give it up the GOP has no viable health plan, will write no such plan and is just mudding the water in the name of party loyalty.  Do something for the people that elected you to serve in their interest.  Come back next year with reasonable repairs of AHA just stop calling it Obama care and the problem is solved.

Democrats announced a new platform to regain power in the next election. Keep working on your platform; talk to the people for their ideas.  The people have a better understanding of national problems than DC political pros that created the problems.

There is a growing Bunker mentality in the White House as it hunkers down before the barrage of investigative details becoming exposed.  Trump's transgender ban appears to be another of his attempts to distract the public from Russian collusion and business investigations.  Reportedly he is seeking to fire his own recently appointed FBI director for failing to shut down its investigation.  He is publicly trying to humiliate his own Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his failure to short circuit the investigation in the beginning.  Sessions was an early supporter of Trump who apparently hopes Sessions will resign during the Senate recess.  If Session can be force out at that time Trump could replace him with a hatchet man. Without any Senate oversight hearing, the ax would be free to cut down the special counsel and all investigations.  The White House propaganda minister Anthony (the Mooch) Scaramucci with only six days in office is already swinging wildly, tossing staffers under buses for lack loyalty to the CEO.  Now he has gone on a twitter and TV news in an attack on the White House chief of staff, charging him with a felony and calling for a FBI investigation.  The felony that wasn't, publication of Mooch's public record information.  Supposedly the Mooch's TV attack came shortly after his meeting with Trump.  It appears that Der Donald is attempting to embarrass another loyalist he want to get rid of and the Mooch is his chosen ax to clear the bunker for defense against public accountability.  It appears that blood will flow from the bunker before the Mooch can slam the door on a rich man's bunker.  If Der Donald is able to shut down the investigations even for a short time the Mooch might be able spin out disinformation to cover the sound of shredding files and destruction of computers.  Is there a Rose Mary Woods somewhere in this administration or is it a smell of burning tapes in the smoke rising from the bunker?  McConnell is flailing away in the Senate while Sessions is still trying to run interference for Der Donald despite both being targeted.  Sessions' justice department is now trying to get discrimination protections for gays overturned in another diversion attempt.  Between administration driving out supporters and staffers who are looking for new jobs before being fired, The White House bunker may soon begin to look like a few rich white men hiding behind bales of money as the mob occupies the Towers.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

T-Notes 072017

It's sad that the nation sinks further and further into quicksand as the Trump administration flounders between self inflicted misadventures and Tweets.  This is all true even if told with a sadden humor.

A repeal bill is a scam that proves the GOP doesn't care for their constituents.  Like Trump they are lying loud and often in an attempt to hang on to power.  This pure showboating is wasting time better spent on trying for open and honest government.  The GOP (or is that goop) should remember they can't fool all the people all the time. Trump's troops may even begin to see the futility of a leaderless party without a strategy or program.

Republican resistance to Trump's demands is beginning to crack his loyalist front.   In the historical long cycles of great powers they are never beaten.  They commit suicide by throwing away their power through lack of will and political fumbling.  Trump is the gun to the nation's head and sleeping pills for democracy.

A political party over time takes on the character of tribe and in time may actually become a cult subseptical to a Jim (James) Jones or a Hitler.  Trump's attempts to become cult leader are aided by disciples Mitch McConnell, Kris Kobach and Jeff Sessions.  Searching for his own cult Goebbels The Donald has chosen Anthony (Mooch) Scaramucci to be the cult's propaganda minister.

The country has a problem and that is a corrupt administration from top to bottom.  Sessions must go, not only has he misled Congress he is also advocating matters that will compound law enforcement corruption and judicial abuse.  To allow various members of the administration to continually correct their sworn statements as new evidence is discovered demonstrates credibility issues but also a reluctance by Congress, law enforcement and intelligence agencies to press charges of at least perjury.

Presidential actions to withhold support of existing health care policies under the law may haunt the GOP. Any of these actions by Trump demonstrates a criminal intent to defy law and the needs of the people.  Congress failed to act on Trump's orders and therefore is in contempt of Trump so he threatens the party and destroys the people most in need the poor and elderly.

It is becoming even more apparent that Sessions should have recused himself from the Russian investigation, as more information on his complicity becomes known.  Should the president have publicly admonished Sessions, NO it is apparent that Trump lacks even a basic understanding of responsible management.   There are many reasons Sessions should resign but this isn't one of them, he should go down with captain of the sinking ship.

A Russian official publicly stated on TV that Trump and Putin might have had a secret meeting in a bathroom.  Does Menlania know, what does she know and when did she know it?

Putin floated the idea of becoming president for life can the Donald be far behind?  He has already declared himself dictator and above the law as well as the constitution with his proclamation the he can pardon all loyalist trumpites (that's kinda like termites).   It seems that while in Poland The Donald gave a speech that clearly supported nationalist anti-democratic forces, which may have contributed to their attempt to overthrow the judiciary.  He is already planning his third term in office by campaigning to children at the Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia.

The Donald ordered the British Prime Minister Theresa May to guarantee the largest cheering crowd in British history to greet his arrival in London.  May must also shut down hostile media outlets or he will not come to England. America should be so lucky. Possibly because of her age the Queen will not be required to bow before him. Trump's worry is that over two million Brits have already signed a petition asking the government to block Trump's official visit. The British press has published a leaked transcript of that phone conversation between the two.  The White House has confirmed that Trump's visit has been delayed.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Again 071617

For the record I didn't think Trump would be a very good president but I did expect him to be better than he is with some honor, integrity and real attempts to do the job.  So far he has demonstrated a failure on of all three issues without even trying.   He became famous by tactlessly firing people; can the people fire Der Donald?  That would make a good scenario for next season's sitcom hit.

The GOP Senate is good at putting band-aids on bad legislation.  However they practice witch doctor medicine for the republic and punishes those they are supposed to serve.  It seems that Trump has had one success, he has taught the party to lie, lie big and hope no one notices, they always notice.  A good health care bill can not be a partisan bill but must be a people's bill that a real bipartisan majority of the Senate can support.  This bill is too important for electioneering.  GOP Senators are supposed to serve the people not Trump.  Stop take a breath, start over in the daylight even if it takes a year. Craft something to make the nation proud, the world applaud and emulate.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to be leading a GOP kamikaze charge to demonstrate his loyalty to Emperor Donald.  Read the founding documents, the U.S. is a republic, power does not rest with emperors, kings or even majority leaders it rest with the people. 

Senate bill is for Trump don't care health, and he doesn't care as long as it's branded TRUMP.

Attending this years Bastille day ceremony honoring American soldiers' 1917 arrival in France, Der Donald, ever the bully, again attempted to best the French President Emmanuel Macron with a crushing hand shake.  Der Donald failed to subdue Macron during his earlier trip to Europe.  In a move that can only be termed as trying to Indian wrestle Macron off balance Der Donald failed again.  The move was mostly missed by the American media but the European press was quick to pick up that Der Donald embarrassed only himself.  When this fat old man attempts to wrestle an athletic man half his age the result is egg on America's face.  Macron is attempting to act as a peacemaker between Der Donald and other European leaders, lots of luck Emmanuel.  Der Donald doesn't want peace with those he can't cower.

Just a thought, who is paying for the White House's growing regiment of lawyers?

The White House is arming Trump's troops with ammunition to attack and destroy his legions of protesters.  Anyone sending policy protest emails to the White House have discovered all their personal information is being released exposing them to: identity theft, hacking of personal accounts, exposure to electronic and even physical attacks. It will also stifle future protest when seen as endangerment of family and friends, a favored authoritarian tactic.

It appears that the Trump administration is subservient to the Trump business interest.  Der Donald threw a mid-east ally (Quatar) under the bus, possibly because senior White House advisor Jared Kushner was refused a Quatari billionaire's half billion-dollar loan/investment to save his real estate project.

Florida GOP legislators have passed legislation allowing anyone to object to any book deemed not suited to student needs.  There goes literature, art, history, science, evolution, climate change and reading anything more than Trump's 140 character rants.
Here comes book burnings and blue painted pagans dancing naked around the blaze.  Mao had his little red book, what will be the color Trump's diatribe, bound in genuine faux leather and auto signed by der leader.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

DDD notes 070717

Article is a combination of facts and supposition on the administration's actions (or lack of) during the last several days.

After discovering just how gullible Americans really are Putin met with Der Donald to issue new orders to his high placed agent.  An expert in media suppression Putin advise the Donald scale up his twitter attacks with formal charges of treason then disappearing a few prominent journalist as a warning. 

States resist Trump's demands: At last some politicians are standing up to Der Donald's authoritarian aspirations.  The administration attempts to compile a massive data base of every U.S  citizen's political histories not only invades personal privacy but also establishes the secret lists for disappearance into an American gulag in the name of national security.  Der Donald's actions follow history's long line of dictators including his BFF Putin.

North Korea: Two nuts loose on the floor is a prescription for the United States to slip and fall making peanut butter of the world.  Beware of Der Dumb Donald (DDD) slinging random smart bombs to raise his poll number and rally Trump's troops to the flag. Kim Jong-un’s regime would surely sling missiles, with or without warheads, in all directions in a death dance.  Friends and foes alike would be targeted, spreading conflict far beyond the missiles' range. Dissentients everywhere would seize the distraction to further their own agendas expanding terrorism.  Put the nuts, DDD's mouth (twitter), back in the can to prevent, the nation becoming mired in sticky peanut butter.  This is a case for eroding U.S. Soft Power to yield to UN and regional power resolution.  The U.S. is already the designated regional spoiled nut whose word can no longer be trusted.  It's a small globe in the 21st century, conservatives may fight it but when a small nobody country or even individuals can embroil the world in conflict no one country can stop it or survive.

A few year ago an academic study of media informed public discovered that those who receive all their information from television is less well informed than those who received no direct information.  Der Donald admits that he doesn't read not even the one-page summaries his staff writes, and gets most of his information directly from TV sound bites.  A disciple of clearly partisan FOX News Der Donald becomes the promoter and victim of circular reporting.  Der Donald is a want-a-be autocrat with delusion of the power of a latter day Der Furhrer.  To achieve his end the White House has developed a dark side disinformation bureau that "leaks" false information to be later refuted on the bright side.  A clear attempt to destroy a free press. To quote George Orwell, "The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."

Trump's troops took to social media calling for revolution against the traitorous liberals who were indicting Der Donald as a tyrant. Interesting that they recognized the parallels but the quoted document was the annual Fourth of July printing & media reading of America's founding document the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain's George III's tyranny.

DOD budget, we've spread the troops very thin and shorted their pay for years.  We need more troops (or fewer missions) and they need to be able to support their families, fund that.  When it comes to new toys and associated waste take a long hard look before spending more money after bad.  Just tagging things as national security doesn't automatically mean dumping money into defense's bottomless hole.

Democrats push for a board to study the President's competency to serve: Der Donald's fitness to serve is questionable and he does poises a long-term threat to the nation's interest.  That said, making his qualification a partisan issue is a mistake.  This is a national issue.  Congress and the White House should stop covering up for him.  Republicans do this in political power self-interest, but this may be a case of stand together sink together.  Sooner or later they must consider the nation's interest.

Goaded by Der Donald, Trump's troops have declared war on the educated, media. unions and civil service while embracing the church as a savior from all evil.  A recent study found that the troops are against colleges as liberal counter revolutionaries against Trump's truths.  All media outlets should be shut down except Fox News, which would become the nation's official mouthpiece.   Of course union members are beyond the pale and to be deported as illegal aliens with foreign ideas.  Civil servants can be replaced as in the 19th century with patronage appointees. Born again Protestants will establish a new freedom of religion in America that excludes only Buddhists, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Zoroastrians.  Following the example of Henry the Eight, Der Donald will declare himself archbishop of the new theocracy.  May be Melania should consider a protestant cloister or risk a very close haircut.  If the universities are shut down there would be fewer lawyers (not a bad thing) and doctors to play all the Thump golf courses. Der Donald has nothing to fear however there will be lots of faith healers, ward bosses and brokers making deals for real estate left vacant by deportations and internment's in concentration camps.

Trump ever the entertainer keeps his name out there, understanding any publicity is good publicity for a star. Most politician lie, Bill Clinton did it for entertainment.  Bush II did it for oil and Dick Cheney's vision.  Trump leaks false information for the purpose of destroying the media, grabbing headlines and personal gain while destroying the nation.  He is very good at it, knowing few Americans remember of care about issues but they recognize names.  Particularly names that rhyme; bump, lump, jump, dump, rump etc.

JR's emails fans the gun smoke clouding the White House but more interesting is the revelation that Trump's Moscow Tower is on hold because of U.S. sanctions that he is trying to lift.

This list could go on and on as facts, even alternate facts, drift around in the gun smoke.  Elected officials should remember they represent the people and the nation.  Party loyalty is trumped (little T) by democracy.