Monday, December 31, 2018

Reflections 122618

Wrap up

The end of the year between Christmas and New Years is the traditional time for quite reflection of the year that was and the year to come.

Trump’s Christmas gift to democracy.  Dec 27/28 he stated he will use his Justice Department to imprison Democratic Congressmen for crimes if they attempt to investigate his Treason, High crimes and Misdemeanors.    With the Democratic Party outlawed the nation becomes imprisoned with no protector but the GOP rubber stamp Congress and courts, which falls under control of the supreme Humbug Party.  (Look it up) Will they have special shirts and salutes?

Trump has found the funding for his wall, he said he will end federal flood insurance.  It is more than a little insane to attempt close down the flood insurance program during major flooding across much of the nation.  It is doubtful if even his Humbug Party will go along with Trump’s latest order.  The flood program is not an executive program but a federal program that was approved and funded by the Congress.  The Humbugers are also faced with another dynamic, large portions of the flooded areas supported the Humbug party and 2020 is just around the corner.  If billions in disaster funds are not enough Trump announced that he will withhold cost of living raises for federal employees.  His latest using his own fake facts, is that he is going to make 25 Billion dollars for the wall by withholding welfare payments.

Trump lowered the federal clean air clean standards so his business friends could again darken our skies and poison the air with coal and chemical emissions.  Voters must learn to love green skies and shoulder low smog.  In another attempt to destroy our national heritage there is a bill to sell the nation's soul to big business.  There is money to be made for the inter circle by oil and mineral mining in the national parks.  After business exploits the land there will be no parks to see, only desertification that will eventually creep into farmlands.  Of course we can then use scant corporate rent monies to buy grain from China and beef from South America.  Russia could provide citrus from its seized Black Sea region.  Everyone wins except the United States.  Is that the plan? 

It has been a busy week for Trump.  He managed a campaign rally with deployed U.S. military personnel where he insulted the troops with extreme humbug, exposed classified information and outraged a friendly nation.  While he was at it he turned Kurdish allies into an enemy's ally that of American arch demon Syria’s Assad. Trump effectively silenced all American influence in Asia leaving an open field for exploitation by non-friends: China, Iran, Russia and Turkey.  There is oil and minerals under all that sand.  Of course we don't need their oil we are going to pump our national parks dry.

The art of the deal, remember the ghosted book.  With the exception of Russia and Saudi Arabia Trump demonized friends and foes alike bragging he would make them bow to his great skills as a negotiator.  His name calling raving rants disrupted a number on going negotiations and really displeased (there is better word) foreign negotiators.  When Trump finally sat down with foreign leaders, he claimed it was a "Love Fest".   It probably is true, Trump bent over for; Putin, China XI, North Korea's Kim, Saudi's MBS and even Mexico got everything they wanted.  Trump did get his photo op but America lost.

In a holiday grandstand play, like a petulant child Trump shut down government because Congress would not fund his wall.  An estimated 400,000 federal employees and their families lacked holiday sugarplums because the White House Scrooge had a temper tantrum.   The wall won't work even if it gets built.  It is a boondoggle to beat all boondoggles that waste money and resources on a throwaway campaign sound bite.  The Great Wall of China failed to keep out Mongols.  Rome's Adrian's Wall failed to keep the Scots pinned in. The Maginot line didn't deter the Germans. McNamara's Line was equally a failure in South Vietnam.  Don't forget the Berlin Wall failure to keep East Germans contained.  In each case the wall failed despite being guarded by massive numbers of troops.  Trump's latest claim is if he doesn't get his wall he will seal the border.  It's estimated it would require 666,000 military personnel to seal the entire border for 24 hours. The U.S. Army and Marines has 748,000 personnel.  The Generals don't stand guard so they are out and only 20 percent are trained to defend the nation. Will they shoot women and children to protect the regime?  We can't make it even if all our troops come home.  The Navy and Coast Guard can't get their ships through the mountains, or is a canal from the Gulf to the Pacific planned?  Will the Space Corps fire its death rays along the border?  That might dig a canal.

While the ultimate boondoggle has no chance of working in the long term.  It does give jobs to Mexicans who will be hired to build the wall; they at least won't jump the wall until it's they are finished. What are the costs figures for maintaining the wall, or does it just fall down after a year?  Question, how much will the Trump organization make for managing the project?  Based on records when the first stake is driven the organization should be renamed Corruption Inc.

Around the world reforms are protecting children from exploitation.  That is everywhere but in the United States where over 13,000 children are being held in concentration camps.  Camps mismanaged by private companies with questionable records but with friends in the Humbug Party.  Despite government and business news blackouts, official information has leaked out of; over 400 lost children, sexual and physical abuse of children, poor and sparse food, even death.  Trump is attempting to roll back Freedom of Information legislation to hide administration missteps. Winter is here and it's probable the children have no winter clothes and heating cost money.  The administration can keep the kids warm by putting them to work on the wall.  Free labor, it worked for Stalin and the Nazi party why not the Humbug Party.  The amazing thing is there are no protest marches on America streets.  It might be explained by the fact that the concentration camps are a product of the Humbug Party and the Party is suppressing not only information but also investigations and accountability.

It is possible that the White House has engaged in insider trading.  The stock market has been on a roller coaster this year, up a few hundred points on rosy White House propaganda.  A couple of weeks later the market falls several hundred points on White House gloom and doom rages.  The cycle has repeated itself several times.  Those in the know of coming tweets can buy low and sell high for substantial profits over and over.  Money managers generally recognize that the year-end market plunge is the direct result of Trump's angry December financial rants.  The questions in the buy low White House is, will the next rant drive the market lower, how long will it take for the market to recover, can new fake facts be created to bring the market back?  

 Since Trump never takes responsibility for any of his failures he is definitely seeking scapegoats for his repeated blunders.  He is destroying the GOP and is an accessory before and after its destruction.  If the GOP will stand up for the nation it might survive, stand with White House dysfunction and the Party and nation faces oblivion, only a footnotes in history.

NOTE: Follow Washington government activities at ""

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mad bomber 102718

Blame the messenger, to hide responsibility.  Trump is not solely responsible for the increasing violence but he has been the primary witch stirring the pot of hate and fear for the last two years.  Double, double toil and trouble; is Shakespeare now a White House strategist?

Stand to
Remember Kent State?  Troops have one purpose, to shoot.  This small number of troops on the border are outnumber at least five to one.  They have no chance of stopping a mob flowing around, over and through them.  At best the troops could only defend two of three football fields without shooting.  This is just another Trump ploy to influence the mid-term elections through fear. (Note: last word is for the same number of troops to be deployed to the border as caravan members for a one on one confrontation.)

Roller coaster
Maybe there is method to the madness, at least where the issue is money.  Trump makes a rosy proclamation and the market soars.  A few days later he makes another of his fire and brimstone campaign hate speeches and the market plunges.  The cycle repeats with false claims of happy days are here again followed by fact checks and trade war threats.  It seems the market is being manipulated from the White House where those in the know of the next speech stand to make significant profits. This is called insider trading, which is illegal for the average investor.  But when the insider is the one doing the manipulation and packing the courts with possible beneficiaries of his information, is it still illegal?   This may go a long way in explaining how the GOP is out spending Democrats in the coming election. Nixon was called a crook but he didn't use the White House for profit.   The house is becoming a little dingy, will another coat of paint bring back it luster or will it just fade away as the great manipulator hangs red lanterns in all its windows.  The forecast White House exodus makes one wonder about possible net worth growth and golden parachutes.  Follow the MONEY!

Trump has blamed the Democrats, Jews, Hispanics and fake media for electioneering violence. The real fake is in and from the White House.  This is an administration built on divide and conquer, with hatred as its instrument.  TV news doesn't have a sterling record but in general it a self-correcting balanced presentation.  Then again there is FOX News, should it be required to register as a lobbyist organization?  It's been discovered that Trump is using tax dollars to further his hate speak far beyond American borders.  Trump had complained that U.S. propaganda agencies have not adequately supported his agenda.  Propagandists at USIA's Radio Marti were recently caught following orders with open attacks on Trump's political enemies as well as minorities deemed enemies of the regime.  Will these enemies soon join the children already in concentration camps? 

Trump has stated that he is going to sign an executive order to cancel the citizenship of natural born American children of non-citizens.  It follows that they will be deported as undesirable aliens.  Picture an 80 year old lady who has live her entire life as an American being dragged out of her home and deported to some foreign land she never knew.  Of course all her children, grand children and great grand children must also be deported because they also are now the progeny of a non-citizen.  Let's make a clean sweep and deport anyone with a non-citizen ancestor.  The country can free is itself from the illegal heritage influence of British, Blacks, Germans, Irish, Italians, Swedes, Jews, Cubans, etc, etc.  Indians and Southwest Mexicans present a unique legal question; they became American citizens by conquest of their own lands.  Not a real problem with packed courts hearing the cases.   Then again will there be any GOP judges left after the deportations?  It was only a matter of time before Trump would attempt to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and in essence declare himself supreme monarch.  Which of his own children will become the heir apparent to the throne?  The monarch has already declared himself above the law and of all oversight, but he may be the ruler of an empty land.  Who will stay in the various Trump towers and play on his golf courses?  He will have no problems with their up-keep, he has already granted himself exemptions for employing undocumented workers.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

moving on 102418

102418 Nationalism
Trump is following the time-honored practice of all dictators by declaring himself a nationalist. Should we expect a declaration of "President for Life" soon after coming election results are tallied, no matter the outcome?  Why not, so far he has pretty much ignored law and reason governing by executive dictates.

The so called migrant caravan seems suspicious, a group of diverse individuals, came together and began a long trek across three countries to arrive at the United States border just before its mid-term elections.  As it winds its agonizing way north the question arises did GOP provocateurs instigate an electioneering ploy?  If so then the caravan has taken on a life of its own as more people join the parade. Trump is rallying his electoral mob with loud raciest campaign rants to employ the military to destroy this foreign invasion.  In two weeks will the polls open with photos of American troops gunning down women and children?  Will this go down as another Long March? Opposed by another nationalist, the survivors of that Long March twenty years later not only disposed the nationalist but also took over his much larger country.

Nuc treaty
The non-decision to withdraw from IRNF treaty is a dumb idea, we should seek to expand nuclear limitations not expand nuclear stockpiles.  Look at the issue in another perspective the treaty was the result of actions by GOP God, Reagan.  Is Trump saying God was evil?  The question must also be ask, is this a real treaty or not?  If it is a treaty then it ranks along with the U.S. Constitution and Trump has no power to ignore the Constitution, although he tries.  This becomes another dictatorial power grab by Trump.  Treaties may be renegotiated, with the advice & consent (approval)  of the Senate, then ratified by the president only then is the old treaty retired and new treaty becomes the law of the land.  Dictator Don is out to destroy not only the Constitution but also international order.  If McConnell pushes this one through it is the end of the rule of law and the nation.  The GOP will become the world's second most hated political party.

Mid-terms 18
This is the year of hate.  It's also the year when voters must forget party loyalty.  Moderate Republicans must embrace moderate Democrats and independents to use their overwhelming combined electoral power to destroy political radicalism and extremism.  It may well be the last opportunity to prevent the ultimate decline and fall of the United States.  History has shown that uncontested great power last only about a hundred years. Powers are not defeated but in essence die by their own hand.  The United States grabbed great power status in 1918, it is now 2018 and the country is on increasingly shaky ground. At stake in this election is not party control of the House and Senate but the survival of American democracy and image of an enlightened nation.  The very images of a united country, where all people are free and equal under the law.  A country that doesn't hold 13 thousand ethnic children in concentration camps where they are sexually abuse and treated as criminals.  A country that allows all adult citizens too freely vote.  A country that doesn't condone gunning down citizens just because of race, creed, religion, sexual or political orientation.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Spinning 122417

Back in the day, a major newspaper’s masthead read “All the news that’s fit to print.”  That was when people believed something was true just because it was in the black and white of newspapers.  There were metro broad sheets and half-sized tabloids.  Metros were gray ladies packed with news, while Tabs had lots of sensation, pictures and features.  Both hit the streets as either morning or afternoon papers with multiple editions adding depth to the culture as extras and five star finals enshrined in early movies.

Newsrooms were filled with low paid reporters who crammed as many of the five “Ws” and “H” into the lead graph as possible. (Who, what, when, where, why and how). Central to newsrooms were editors checking facts and developing coverage for expanding stories.  When papers hit the streets a public hungry for the latest news seized them.  Those papers smelled fresh and left readers’ fingers smudged from still wet ink.  Dedicated news hounds read both morning and evening papers and quickly grabbing up “Extras.”   Out of newsroom chaos came great authors and early screenwriters educated by old cigar chomping editors.  When radio and later TV news began to develop in mid 20th century former newspaper reporters staffed them.  The discipline they had absorbed in city rooms trained them to boil down lead graphs for five minute 'rip and read" newscast.

When aging print-trained radio and TV reporters were forced off the air they were replaced by college educated, ego driven TV journalists.  These were more interested in on air face time than in accurate reporting.  Electronic news grew from five-minute spots to half-hour moneymakers leading to around the clock shows, TV magazine shows and infomercials posing as news.  These rehashed real news with speculation that confused and distracted. A prominent TV news face probably makes more in one year than all the old time print reporters in a lifetime.  This has contributed to new graduates seeking a fast track to fame and fortune as the next big face.    Spectacular stories lead to fame and fortune, not necessarily lead to fake news but rather to sloppy reporting.    Since TV stories are not black and white records to be re-read, but flashes of half heard commentaries, open to interpretation, which then vanishes. Journalists have lost not only their duty to inform but also their objectivity.  Reporters reported the news, TV journalist are the news. Add to this that news programs are broken by moneymaking advertising, news teasers and irrelevant chitchat between personalities. Researchers are discovering that people who rely solely on TV news are less well informed than those that have no direct access to news.

All this contributes to a news vulnerability to manipulation by politicians and special interests.  For years sloppy reporting has conditioned the public to accept sound bites as in depth factual reporting.  It’s a very short distance between misleading sound bites, to spin doctors, disinformation and ultimately open political lying.  Airtime is seized by the loudest and most frequent political lies. The population has become easy victims of political cons.    Research has also found that while fake news does exist, most of it is generated by official sources.

With a president that admittedly doesn't read and reportedly spends four to eight hours a day watching TV news it becomes apparent why the government has reached an all time high of dysfunction.  As bad as electronic news is a dedicated researcher can mine a few facts from multiple news outlets.  New social media computer applications have added even more mud for an informed public to sink into, (that's another story).  The president has embraced social media as his preferred distracting disinformation outlet.  In a circular reporting conundrum the president then watches only programming that recycles and glorifies the tweets from a twit.  It's not news!

In the next election voters should only elect candidates that have read and understand Gibbon's, "...Decline and fall of the Roman Empire," published in 1776.  This qualification insures that they can read complex material and see the potential for the fall the empire born in 1776.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Catch up two 021418

Jerusalem:  Trump blew it again, Jerusalem should be an open city because it really is holy to three warring religions and to declare one over the others insures war will go on.  Trump blows in the wind and the wind from Mecca may ultimately cover Jerusalem and Rome with sand.  Is it impossible for America to make friends rather than enemies?  Wasn't one of Trump's many rants to bring peace in the Middle East?  This "ain't" a peace making deal. 

Special Counsel:  When a special counsel is fired by an administration that is being investigated then there should be an automatic review by an appeals court independent of any administration appointed judges.  An administration packed court, which is a GOP goal, would be suspect in any ruling handed down.  If an administration appointed court rules against independent investigation of that administration it would be the end of democracy and reinforce Trump's attempts at authoritarian rule.  The GOP congress has already proven that it will not stand up for the Constitution and the people against Trump rule.  Ultimately the final collapse of the United States and revolution.

Immigration: Trump is attempting to cut a deal on immigration, that imposes even more pain and suffering on innocent people, in order to get what he wants by bullying Congress.  A Trump deal is a bad deal and should be rejected immediately upon his proposal.  There does need to be a wall, not on the border but around the White House. A border wall is a waste of money on a failed concept.  A White House (WH) wall however just might keep Trump off his many golf courses and in Washington.   Don't expect the WH wall to insure rational government.

State of Union: In bad shape, I have no interest in watching a talking parrot reading from  a list of special interests by a man unable to tell the truth on anything.  With his proven record why should we pay attention to more lies while he attempts divert attention from his high crimes and overthrow of democracy.  The fact is that Congress appears incapable of defending the Constitution against his repeated attacks,  indicates he is accomplishing the objectives of American adversaries.  This SOTU will probably be just another fund raising campaign rally.  I'm much more effective in wasting my own time than watching another reality show on TV. 

Designated survivor: Donald Duck for Trump's designated survivor, it would be a step up.  A real entertainer with credibility to replace a fake entertainer with none.

Need a larger budget for snow removal from Minnesota golf courses that would be developed in exploitation of public wilderness areas.

Catch up 021418

Memos:  The GOP memo was manufactured by a known Trump agent in Congress in an attempt to obstruct justice in defense of Der Donald.  The Democratic memo is an attempt to defend American legal system.  While the GOP memo is known to contain false and bias information the Democrats' memo proclaims to be an attempt correct the record it may also contain bias.  To withhold or redact the Democrats' memo is another Wall: Protect the former children and forget the Wall.  To quote that GOP saint, Ronald Reagan, "Tear down that wall." Clear attempt to obstruct American justice.  Both document must now be available to the public in a last defense of democracy.

Clean water:  Another attack on science, it's well proven that watersheds feed larger bodies of water.  Filling in watersheds for golf courses or hazardous  waste dumps will poison the land, kill wild life and ultimately all life. There is no need for an expensive Mars exploration, just wait for Trump finish his destruction of earth and save all that money for caskets.

Pentagon and money:  It is probable that Pentagon has lost far more money than the missing billion from one line item.  It is proven that there is serious corruption within the military, (on going naval cases) major waste and lack of accountable.  The military system is to inflate budgets to justify promotions.  In the far flung operations the military has been throwing money  at problems to hide its inability to craft solutions.  Corrupt local officials in Iraq and Afghanistan have become rich on direct handouts and what they and what they are able to divert from American projects.  The military does not want the scope of  the problem to become known, while pleading poverty to extort more funds from Congress.  There should be no defense budget increases until the Pentagon can account for every dollar, it still will be able to fund its corruption on the lose pennies. Congress should not allow itself to continue to be blackmailed by corrupt generals cries of national security crises.

Journalist protection:  A dictator's ancient cry, "kill the messenger," has become a democracy's president's order to his fanatical supporters.  It is sad that this legislation has become necessary in America.

Everyone love a parade:  The cost of Trump's parade will probably exceed 20 million dollars.  Such a parade Trump envisions (the greatest ever) follows those grand parades of Hitler, Stalin and Kim.  Those were just to show the world military might, the French Bastille day parade dates from it birth as a republic.  Each of these parades marched 20 abreast down broad avenues, longer and possible wider than the national mall.  Trump can only offer the congested Pennsylvania Ave.  In the foreign countries troops and equipment are already stationed close of the capitals.  American troops and tanks are hundreds even thousands of miles away and would have to be transported days in advance disrupting regular air, rail and road transportation.  In Washington the troops would be sleeping on the ground in all kinds of weather.  It is doubtful Trump would put that "dirty rabble" up in his tower.  He might over charge the more senior officers for the servants' quarters.  Past parades have been a salute to victories or to honor soldiers, who hate such parades.  Trump's parade is another ego trip to honor Trump, who has no honor and done nothing for the country.  Save money and give the troops a month off instead of abusing them for at least a month of parade preparations.

Infrastructure:  Trump's non-plan falls far short of needs and even the 1930's WPA accomplishments.  To repair the U.S. infrastructure far more money is needed than what Trump claims for his useless wall.  His plan feeds his friends who can pig out at Trump's trough but does little for the country.  Consider the need to first repair dams, lots of lives at stake down stream, not to mention electrical power, flood control and drinking water.  Second there are all the bridges and over/under passes that carries commerce.  Then there is an urgent need for a true national transit system that could bring the country up to at least 19th century standards.  The rail/bus systems have deteriorated to the point that we can't get there from here, except by private automobiles.  Auto & Oil companies marketing the romance of the road created America's love affair with cars in the post war era.  That romance has turned to hate of traffic jams, smog, oil addiction, failing scattered malls and wall to wall blacktop; its time for a divorce.  Air travel was once a pleasure and is now a pain in the cramped seats of sardine packed planes.  Add to discomfort on planes is the difficulty in getting to airport, fighting the confusion of changing regulations, humiliating non-security screening, ground delays, air delays and short hop flying take longer & cost more than boarding an old steam train.  Why is the United States the only major country without high speed rail?  What is needed is a vision for future infrastructure needs humanity not expensive handout to big business and golf courses.

Education reform:  Another Trump disaster,  America became great on universal public education in the 19th and early 20th century.  So now let's privatize for poor education or expensive good elite education.  There is money to be made and parents to be extorted.

2019 Budget: Obviously the road to a police state to keep the starving rabble in its place.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Future 010218

Another tip: RAND Corporation just published an assessment of U.S. military, stating that in a conflict with either the Russian or Chinese military that the U.S. would probably lose.  For once Trump didn't create the problem he is just accelerating its probability.  I have not read the report but from bits and pieces, the problem has its roots with Rumsfeld when he restructured the army to run roads and fight insurgents in a Sci-fi environment.  He is also responsible for the path to general being political rather than as a war fighter.  Senior officers now seek plums assignments with deniability rather than combat commands with responsibilities.  War fighters at company level have learned all the wrong lessons from over 20 years in limited but constant battle. Added to this is that the U.S. has scattered its combat strength in penny packets around the globe.  This was a Soviet strategy during the cold war, get the U.S. involved, spreading it so thin that it couldn't respond to a major threat.

When the Soviet Union collapsed American planners scrambled to find new foes, expand missions and plant the flag everywhere. Then came the "war on terror" spreading even reserve troops even further.  The 21st century has seen the U.S. military infrastructure ground down and the combat troops worn out by repeated deployments to far flung theaters. 

Dreamy planners are expecting high tech robotics to replace "boots on the ground."  They are making an assumption that potential opponents have no smart people.  They have forgotten the creed of old operations officers that "assumptions will kill you."  Even the most primitive insurgent now operates drones and remote controlled weapons, which  they can pick up at almost any toy store in the world.  Those weapons aren't fancy but they work and most are made in Asia.  High tech components, even whole American weapon systems, are manufactured in foreign countries, a supply line easily disrupted. Many very small nations now have multiple satellites in space along side American, Chinese and Russian birds.  Space is already a battlefield poised to explode at the first beep.  Great powers' nuclear monopoly ended decades ago as  technological diffusion allows any group willing to commit its resources, can now build a bomb.  Insurgents and terrorist with a little money can buy a primitive MWD capability.

One of the points of the RAND study is that even before the 2018 budget increase the U.S. military was spending many times more than either China or Russia on defense.  However both the Russians and Chinese military modernization programs are leaping forward while America's clanks along without focus. It is the politicals that deify waving flags, bluster and crow of the glories of war they've never experienced. It is the voiceless cannon fodder that know the realities of battle. In over half a century since the end of World War Two America has almost won only one war, the first Gulf War, with the last commander in chief who knew first hand the realities of war. During the period America beat up a number small countries through a series battles, but without a  clear victory. Despite Bush, the 1st, experience and Gulf win, that war continues to drag on after almost 30 years of fighting, destabilizing world order. Six century BC sage, Sun Tzu said, “Great nations can not win a long war,” but he would be astounded at a great nation engaging in a battle of this length.

Sun Tzu also said, “ The greatest victory is not to fight at all,” but America has been fighting without a strategy or even a concept of what would constitute its victory. The country is perilously close to expanding its conflict into yet another theater. From a cannon fodder perspective the solution to the present crisis is simple, get a muzzle.

In the 1930s a few wizards ignored politicians and went against conventional wisdom to leapfrog military knowledge, achieving game changing victories. RAND may be correct but I know a few modern wizards who could create a 21st century game changer. That is if they look beyond current political rhetoric and militaries' myopia. Our goal should be a Sun Tzu's victory.