Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Peace 122512

Tis the season for no holds barred selling.  In the Christian world the slogan “Peace on earth and good will to men” is used to sell everything from Christmas cards to war.  Beauty contestants parrot world peace as their goal in their pursuit of contest gold. 

While not a bad philosophy the slogan has questionable lineage.  The best guess is it began with some lost biblical copywriter. Since its Greek scribbling the slogan has seen numerous translation errors (or corrections) and tweaking to its present marketing status.  Unfortunately slogans are not are not goals, and pulpits have long been used for the worst abuses of both peace and good will.

Christmas is a particularly good time for some old time pulpit pounding.  Leveraging sentimentalism and loneliness, churches, charities and some outright con men try to shame people into supporting some cause or the other.  If Christmas is so unprincipled and mercenary how did it get that way or was it always of questionable virtue?

Several centuries after the believed birth of Christ a Christian politician co-opted a pagan festival as a way of gaining more followers and incidentally more power.  It was almost a thousand years later before a living nativity was staged (1224ce) again to awe and inspire conversions.  For 22 years (1659-1681) Christmas was banned in Boston, which like most Boston bannings did make the holiday attractive.  Despite fighting a war for peace and good will the holiday was irrelevant to the American Congress that held its first session on December 25, 1789.  The founding fathers were much more dedicated to the people’s business in those days, but almost a hundred year later they declared the date a federal holiday which then stretch into most of a month as the people are left hanging over a fiscal cliff.  Hessian soldiers and German immigrants brought their practice of brightening up winter by decorating evergreens but it was a picture of Queen Victoria‘s 1840 Christmas Tree that built today’s American Christmas tree industry. Victoria’s sexual repressive era sold the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe as safe sex. Washington Irving created the idea that St. Nick could fly in his wagon. Artist Thomas Nast put Santa in a red coat in the late 1800 but it was Coke Cola marketing that made Santa the jolly old gent that became the Christmas icon.  Santa sold Cokes and a red nose reindeer pointed the way to a department store while Frosty the Snowman sold booze.

Christmas really is a Bah Humbug, but it once almost brought peace on earth.   Europe was torn by a war and bible thumpers on all sides declared God was on their side and the fight was to bring peace.  Five months into W.W.I the troops took Christmas peace into their own hands and declared an unofficial truce along the front line, German and British soldiers joined hands in good will among men, until some Christian Generals decided killing was much better for their image and promotions.

Despite the slogan’s failure, it’s a sound philosophy, but the target should be peace and good will everyday not just on the holiday created for marketing.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wondering 122112

Despite best intentions I did no wandering this year.  No valid reason, just plain procrastination with ex post justifications.  I could blame the Aztecs, what was the point of seeing a world that was supposed to end yesterday?

I expected a big finish and sat up all night staring south over the shimmering waters of a swimming pool.  There was no grand light show; no giant Aztecs charging out of purple clouds to avenge their conquest.  Disappointment reigns, however while contemplating the “END” I wondered about the mystical 2012 year. 

The Aztecs almost got it right, 2012 was an election year with politician’s lingering claims and counterclaims doing much to destroy any world respect.  The people spoke but politicians protested and rebelled to punish the 47 percent.  Pure speculation, it seems that House Republicans are manipulating the Stock Market.  They promise a budget, the market soars, then cancel the deal and the market plunges. A buyback and repeat of the cycle reaps windfall profits on insider trading. Madoff should have run for Congress he could have made much more money and been exempt from prosecution.

A frustrated Mother Nature stepped in with a series of Super Storms that battered Asia, Europe and America.  Fundamentalist Christians are blaming fundamentalist Muslims for the current storm that is disrupting Christmas holiday ravel.  Wasn’t Christmas plagiarized from an ancient pagan ritual?  Apparently there are lots of disappointed gloom and doom boys out there, the movie channels have been running marathons of every bad ‘end of the world’ picture ever made.

So far Africa has been spared a super storm and Aztec fever but they have their very own disaster known as Africa Command and Associates.  Forced from Iraq and Afghanistan the Generals are vigorously stirring the Africa pot searching for a war they can win.  Now even formerly stable countries are facing conflicts as the Generals poke them with their big sticks.

Speaking of big sticks.  Back in the good old days of the Vietnam War a Khaki Mafia emerged.  This was a conspiracy of senior NCOs to control clubs, prostitution, black markets, and everything else that generated cash.  Post war analysis concluded that officers should have a piece of the action.  Ethics and integrity eroded, how to courses were taught on deception, financial manipulations and black ops.  As very bright bureaucrats moved up the ranks they began to feel themselves above the law and applied their skills for self-interest.  With little oversight during the 911 era many dipped a toe into dark pools, others dipped more than a toe.  As another problematic military adventure draws to a close there is less cover for personal adventures.  2012 exposed cookie jars and perfumed gardens raided by senior officers with cover-ups and deceptions right out of their textbooks.  The other shoe has yet to drop, or is that another falling star?

Where is a good Aztec apocalypse when we need one?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Taxus 112512

Barring the unlikely event of a major lottery win I will never be called upon to pay rich man’s taxes.  As a confirmed poor man however, I oppose laying more taxes on the rich. I would like see them pay at least as much as I do.

Proposals to tax the rich are not new.  Way back when the argument against income taxes centered on, “ The power to tax is the power to destroy.”  This argument has been proven over time and cultures.  Crusader Knights were taxed out of existence; British debtor prisons were filled, or deported to American and Australia as bond slaves, with people unable to pay their taxes.   Liberals advocate redistribution of the wealth, or take from the rich and give to the poor.  This was Robin Hood’s philosophy, the merry men lived well but the poor were still poor, sounds like a government budget.  Communist began with the same philosophy but soon ran out of wealth to redistribute and the poor’s pennies supported the state.  More recently even the Taliban got in the act by taxing whoever had money and giving it those without, then turning around and taxing them because they now had money.

The State loves complicated tax codes simply because it can destroy at will.  If it can’t silence dissents or catch criminals then get them for tax fraud.  In taxation there are no honest mistakes.  Drop a zero, lose your job, car, house and family then as a homeless person the state might give you some of your surrendered money.  In the United States the rich man’s tax rate has been as high as 94 (ninety-four) percent.  Why would anyone work hard for only six percent of worth? 

The rich didn’t. Their advantage is that they can hire the best lawyers, accountants and politicians to insure that they pay the absolute minimum tax. The politicians favored the rich with exemptions, lawyers skirt the tax code and accountants fiddled the books so little if any tax is due.

Tax code reform is needed, not more redistribution of wealth because whatever goes into government, leaks out a thousand holes in the bucket.  Consider: below the poverty line, no tax due; those above the poverty line gets a poverty line exemption and the remainder is taxed at what every rate is appropriate to meet the budget, no exceptions. Instead of asking advice from rich bankers on budget matters Congress should seek the advice of poor folks, they are the real budget experts.  The poor know that you can’t spend what you don’t have. Government budgets should plan to balance, not plan to borrow and raise taxes to justify even larger deficits.

The world is in debt crisis because governments, the rich and middle class spent more than they can expect to repay in generations.  Work hard, pay your taxes, and leave your great, great grand kids to pay off your debt.

Death and taxes right?  Win a lottery, hire your own lawyers, accountants and politicians and plan to spend more than you win.  Death Taxes will take anything left.  The rich aren’t the problem or the solution; government is the problem avoiding a solution. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Same-o, same-o 111112

The 2012 Campaign is over, but not the election.  Losers are still fighting delaying actions and T-party adherents are screaming for a resistance movement. It may be weeks even months before all the results are finally confirmed. Nowhere is the battle more intense than in Florida where conservative election officials are dragging their feet in a vain hope that the results will change.  In their attempt to return the state to the 1940s they made their presidential votes immaterial, as to little too late. 

Ultra conservatives attempted to overthrow constitutional protections in several states.  The reality is that the incumbent President won (without Florida’s help) and a few conservatives lost their seats in Congress.   The campaigns generated a great deal of anger and polarization, but the results were for the status quo.  There was a slight trend to moderation and at local levels some of the more radical candidates lost. 

At the national level, even before the last vote was counted, there was a declaration of ideological war.  In the House, the Republican architects of the Fiscal cliff rewrote their own rules to keep an obstructionist in control of their budget negotiations. Voter polls indicating that deficit reform and budget compromise was an important election issue along with social issues.  Radical House Republicans declared they would never accept any proposals from the Democrat president.  There are those that still question the legitimacy of the President despite the fact that the voters have spoken twice. 

In Maine a GOP official blames its losses on criminal “black” voter fraud.  In the Southwest the blame game focused of Hispanic voters, Florida is more egalitarian blaming all minorities women, Democrats, independents and rogue Republican equally for negating its “fixed” electioneering.  Conservatives in 20 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States.

All told, petitions have been filed on behalf of: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The stated justifications for secession are many and the movement will probably fail in the short term.  It is however a distinct possibility for this century if governments continue ignore the interest of the country.

That great melting pot of diverse peoples and interests that made the country has come off the boil.  Radical ideologies, religions and political self-interest have splashed cold water on American fires.  Although elected to represent the people, politicians now strive to divide and conquer in order gain more tenured power.  Politicians are well aware that most Americans are struggling to survive and can’t spare the time to study the issues.  The people must rely on their elected officials to look after their interest, which makes them vulnerable to political manipulation and continued decline.

It is same o same-o (same-old) story of American politics, the people spoke and politicians won’t listen.  What American Dream?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Constitutional 110412

The concept of constitutional government is relatively new.  As nation states evolved from the muck of feudalism and royal abuses the people began to demand better government.  By the end of the 18th century the royalist were in retreat and wary populist movements demanded protection from a return to the past.  The answer became a written constitution, a contract between the governed and the government. 

Constitutions tend to follow two models, one is hundreds of pages long spelling out in detail what the state and the people can and can not do.  This model is really the nation’s codified law requiring frequent changes as the dynamics change.

An early proponent of constitutional protections the United States originated a different model.  This model is short, only seven brief Articles and in over 200 years has only been amended 27 times.  The first 10 amendments were passed immediately and are known as the Bill of Rights, protecting the people from their government.  The strength of the American model is if brevity and clarity.   It establishes the basic structure of government, allocates the relative powers of its branches and guarantees the freedoms of the individual.  More importantly it provides a national philosophy and culture that endures.  The American Constitution has served as an idealized model for many emerging nations in the two centuries since it ramification.

Every soldier, sailor, cop and government employee is sworn to uphold the Constitution.
Even lawyers and elected officials swear to uphold the Constitution.  Leave it to lawyers to search for creative ways around the Constitution, getting their names into law books.  Many newly elected officials however immediately after swearing the oath, begin campaigns to overthrow the Constitution.

The drafters of the Constitution could not foresee how advanced technologies would change American elections nor, would they understand the uninformed populace.  After the last vicious election cycle there will again be a number of partisan proposals to change the Constitution. 

Consider some non-partisan changes to better serve and protect the people.  A new right could be added to limit national political campaigns to thirty days.  After all with television, Facebook, Twitter and Robo Calls candidates can deceive and alienate voters much more quickly than politicians of the 18th century.  Another amendment would restrict the President to one, six-year term of office.  Senators would still serve six years but half would stand for election every three years.  Representatives would be elected for a three-year term, all standing for reelection every term.

These simple amendments protect the people from unreasonable prolonged invasions of their lives, their sanity and humor protected and neighborhood feuds reduced. A change in the voting cycle also saves the taxpayers the excessive cost of frequent elections and continuous campaigns.  Voters would be allowed to recover between campaign assaults and might even get better government.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pres.’ priorities 110812

The presidential election is finally over leaving a political landscape devastation that far exceeds that of Sandy’s recent storm damage.

Despite their partisan legislatures’ attempts to manipulate the vote, Republicans are stunned by their loss.  While the Democrats began a legal defense of voters’ rights before the election, Republican lawyers are now lining up to protest the Democratic victory.  Republicans point to the fact that the international community (IC) supports the President.  His approval rating overseas is 80-90 percent while at home it is less than 50 percent.  According to Republicans this proves the President is un-American.  What the figures really prove is that the IC is more interested in American politics than the Americans themselves, who are satisfied with sound bites.

The President has demonstrated that he understands that the United States in one neighborhood in a global community.  What he is faced with in his second term is a hostile political landscape similar to that of the post-Civil War era.  Just as in that era the task is to heal the country before the country can move forward.

In this term the President’s priorities must be:

First and foremost, convince Congress that the national interests are more important than ideology.  Congress must be made to focus on solutions rather than obstructions.

Second, utilize the “Bully Pulpit” to educate the people that the nation’s strength lies in pulling together to solve problems.  The fragmenting of society as seen in the election can only result in the ultimate fragmentation of the country.  The melting pot myth no longer works. The pot has become a retort that separates rather than mixes.  Society must become one of inclusion rather than exclusion.

Third, the deficit must be eliminated requiring belt tightening and tax reform.  One without the other is counter-productive.  Calling financial realities “all Greek to me” is dangerous because financial irresponsibility just sank the Greeks.

Fourth, military adventurism must be restrained as a cost that cannot be sustained.  It has also proven to be counter-productive by making enemies and losing friends.

Fifth, positive action on the first four priorities buys the time and resources to deal with declining educational goals, failing infrastructure, manufacturing decline and falling prestige.

If the president can get in front of these issues then the nation’s prospects for the 22nd century are good.  Fail now, and the question may well be U.S. who?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Voted? 110412

You voted for whom?  In the next few days, hopefully, all the votes will be counted and Americans may get some rest from the constant slime bath of competing horror tales.

If there is not a clear victor, however, this election may drag past the inauguration.  There will be counts and recounts; the line for lawsuits is already longer than the lines to vote.  Even before the first vote was cast there were court challenges to partisan attempts to disenfranchise opposition voters.   Federal courts have already overturned a number of these laws but many more are yet to be settled.  Failing to legislate victory, some partisan supporters have fallen back on the century old practices before the “Voting Rights Act of 1965’” dis-information, intimidation, threats of violence and manipulation of the count.  This election has been particularly nasty with big money out to buy the election and professional campaign “fraudsters” wildly slinging manure instead of mud.

The polarization and anger generated in this campaign may well lead to violence in response to question “Whom did you vote for?”   Despite partisan attempts to identify your vote, it is still a secret ballot, put away the tee shirt, scrap off the bumper sticker, keep your vote to yourself and save your teeth.  Suck it up, if your favorite didn’t win don’t worry the next campaign starts in January.

No matter who wins voters didn’t get who they thought they were voting for.  In truth there was not a nickel’s worth of difference in the two presidential candidates.  One is a moderate leaning left and the other, also moderate but leaning right.  While the media was cheering on the horse race, the fans were distracted from looking at the extra weight the horses were carrying.  It is not who is elected but whom he brings with him that matters.  Despite the blame game, the power is in Congress not the White House.  The President gets the blame and has the responsibility to implement unachievable legislation. He is trapped by the campaign obligations to try to make it work.   Those obligations must be paid for by appointments for the parties’ more radical supporters with contrary agendas of their own.

While fans celebrate whoever crosses the finish line, the victor already owes his sole to vested interest.  The big race obscured the fact that partisan radicals were going after State and Federal legislature seats.  Despite moderate presidential candidates the moderate electorate loses because the winner must pander to louder and more radical of the party promises.  Democracy has become the dictatorship of the few.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Perfect storm 103112

According to an un-attributed Romney camp claim, if they had been in charge much of Super storm Sandy’s destruction would have been prevented.  Following that lead others were quick to blame Obama for everything, down to and including reduced Halloween treats.

DOD has stepped up with its plan to destroy storm cells before they begin their terrorist attacks on the country.  Exercising the first strike option the strategic Air Force will NUC the Caribbean Islands destroying possible storm staging areas.  Primary target in the Caribbean will be Cuba where Castro has been staging attacking storms for half a century.  The Navy plans to deploy along the continental shelf firing long range Tomahawks and engaging any surviving winds with naval gunfire.  The Army will repel rain, sleet and snow along with high tides on the beaches and in the streets with a slow, fighting withdrawal back to the mountains if faced with superior power.  The CIA plans to launch Drones from Utah to take out key infrastructures suppressing clandestine flying debris support of storms.  DOD is increasing funding for mad scientist developing weather control weapons that show promise of diverting on coming storms to France.   The State Department will enter negotiations for a loan from the Chinese to fund recovery efforts.  In a quid pro quo the Chinese will receive the major outsource contracts.  Under the new administration Traveler’s giant red umbrella will be constructed over the country to prevent future storm damage.  Chinese mills are already producing miles of red silk for the umbrella, which will be constructed in Japan.

I’m reminded of a piece of political science doggerel, “ The (American) president has more power than he ought, but not as much as most people thought.”  The latter is a hard lesson to accept for every new administration.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Feature 102812

In battle when a man is first exposed to the horrors of war he adjusts, becoming resigned to the blood and brutality.  A woman in the same battle reverts to her nature becoming vicious, enjoying inflicting pain and death without consequences.  Women were banned from the battlefield for humanitarian concerns not for their protection but rather for pity for prisoners and innocents exposed to their depravity.

Women warriors are common across cultures and time.  Women warriors are particularly prominent during resistance movements in modern history.  The histories of; Spanish Civil War, European resistance organizations as well as those of the Chinese and Russian are enriched by their exploits. Often that history however is exceptionally bloody as the women extracted their revenge on occupation forces. In an arbitrary order consider these women warriors:

The Amazons, a tribe of woman warriors of central Asia, fought so fiercely for Troy during the Trojan War they were immortalized in Greek epic poems.  Amazons have been adopted by many cultures to describe their woman warriors.  Athena the Greek goddess of war was a favorite child of Zeus and often used his thunderbolts to decide battles.  Athena became the patron of the American Women’s Army Corps (WAC).

The vision of blood splattered, bare breasted Nordic Valkyrie maidens wildly charging out of the mist, screaming and swinging massive double bladed battleaxes terrorized Europe.  One must question this as origin of the derogatory term ‘Battleaxe’ describing some modern women. The word Valkyrie means choosers of the slain, a Nordic heroine, Blenda, led women in an attack that annihilated a pillaging Danish army.  Shieldmaidens were Scandinavian women who took up arms as warriors before raising a family.

The Roman gladiatorial games often featured “gladiatrix” in brutal female fighting for entertainment of the masses.  Ancient forerunners of the voyeuristic interest in catfights and mud wrestling.

Nusaybah bint Ka'ab; was the first female to fight in defense of Islam and Prophet Muhammad as part of a regular army.  This was over a thousand years before western women became part of modern armies. Aisha, wife of Muhammad, led an army against Ali, fourth caliph of Islam. Muslim history records a number of women who fought and led forces with great valor. Khawlah bint Hakim fought in battles against the Romans in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.  Captured along with a number of other Muslim women, Khawla decided death was more honorable than the disgrace of rape.  Armed only with tent poles, she led the women in a desperate attack on their Roman guards, killing 30 before escaping. Modern Muslim women continue to earn a ferocious reputation.  During the occupation of Afghanistan, Soviets who fell into the hands of women warriors were never the same.

Africa has a rich history of female warriors in vicious tribal warfare and rebellions.  The West African Dahomey had an all-female militia serving as the king’s bodyguard.  Legionaries would commit suicide rather than fall into the hands’ of Riff tribal women.

The Russian Princess Olga of Kievskiy (945 to 960 AD) avenged the death of her husband, King Igor, by burying alive twenty ambassadors and setting fire to a bathhouse with another group inside.  She provided intoxication to 5000 enemy soldiers before attacking; finally she burned down the entire city of the offending tribe.  During the Great Patriotic War a large number of Soviet women became “heroes of the Soviet Union” for killing German invaders.  Legendary Baltic female resistance snipers known as the “White Tights” inflicted numerous casualties on the conquering Russians.

Rani Lakshmibai was one of the leading figures of the “Great Indian Mutiny” of 1857. She was described by the British as "remarkable for her beauty, cleverness and was the most dangerous of all the rebel leaders".

Christian Marco Polo and Muslim Ibn Battuta both record the feats of Khutulun, a great-great granddaughter of Genghis Khan, as a warrior in Central Asia.  The Japanese have a word for it, Onna Bugeisha (woman warrior).  In the first century CE the Trung Sisters repelled the Chinese invasion (of now Vietnam) for three years, winning against considerable odds.  Phung Thi Chinh fought with the Trung sisters and according to legend gave birth in the front lines, and then carrying her newborn in one arm and with sword in hand cut her way through Chinese ranks.  The epics of these women warriors inspired Vietnamese resistance to French and American colonialism.  Americans reported an all-female Viet Cong unit that was considered particularly dangerous.

In first century England the Celtic Queen Boudica with her two daughters led a revolt against the Roman Empire. Queen Cordelia fought off several contenders for a throne, personally leading the army in its battles. Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI, as leader of the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses, introduced conscription, massed armies, and won several battles before defeat by the Yorkists.  Catherine of Aragon as Queen Regent and Captain General of the King's Forces (1513) defeated a Scots’ invasion. Catherine led the army, and rode north in full armor with the troops, despite being heavily pregnant at the time. Not to be out done the Scots have also fielded a number of renowned women warriors.

 Joanna of Flanders organized resistance in the siege of Hennebont; taking up arms, dressed in armor, and conducting the defense of the town. She led a raid outside the walls demolishing one of the enemy's camps. She was an early patron for women’s rights, and a possible an influence on Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc asserted that God told her to recover her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent her to the siege at OrlĂ©ans as part of its relief force. She gained prominence when she lifted the siege in only nine days of fighting. Winning a number of other battles she was burned at the stake at age 19 for being too successful.  The Pope declared her a martyr 24 years later.

Agustina de AragĂłn was a famous Spanish resistance leader who defended Spain during the Spanish War of Independence, later becoming an officer in the regular Spanish Army. She saved the day at the siege of Saragossa when Spanish troops broke to a French Bayonet charge, she rushed forward loaded and fired cannons at point blank range, shredding the French line. The sight of a lone woman manning the guns inspired the fleeing Spanish troops to return to the battle.

If the objective is to terrorize, then deploy the women.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Insurgents 102112

Throughout history regimes have battled insurgents while failing to understand insurgencies. An insurgent basically objects to demands for political correctness and resulting insurgencies become internal in origin, a product of the regime’s missteps. 

A foreign power may attempt to create an insurgency as a cheap method of achieving its goals, but these attempts end in costly failures.  A coup can be foreign in origin but they have a shallow base and may well result in an insurgency forming against the new order.  An insurgency may also result from the government’s failure to satisfy the desires of major segments of the population.   It may take considerable time before governing leaders and their foreign sponsors notice this insurgent environment. 

Generally an insurgency is well established before any reactionary counter-insurgency measures begin.  Local resistance leaders emerge while government actions alienate segments of the population.  Counter-insurgency programs become increasingly oppressive, even draconian, which aids in recruitment of even more resistance fighters.

Although a foreign power can’t create an insurgency it can provide material and political support.  This support is not free; the powers expect a return on their investment.  The returns are political influence, access to resources or just the satisfaction of embarrassing a rival power.  This recurring scenario cost millions of lives during the “Cold War Era” as rival great powers sponsored coups, counter-coups, and insurgencies in obscure corners of the globe.

The cold war ended in the late 20th century, almost a quarter century ago, but still resonates among its victims.   As the crossroad of Asia, Afghanistan has probably suffered the most from great power competitions.  Throughout the 19th and 20th century British, Russians, American and Soviets played a “Great Game”. When the Soviets withdrew the Americans walked out leaving a vicious civil war fueled with piles of left over weapons. Corrupt, competing warlords battled and exploited the people until an insurgent religious army of young students (Taliban) brought a degree of stability to the isolated country.  Arab veterans of cold war battles remained in the mountains directing another insurgency against the Saudi government, supported by America, that also became its target.  

Although the Taliban was in negotiations to evict the Arabs the slow pace led to an American invasion now targeting the Taliban.  Installing a corrupt central government America prohibited all dealings with the Taliban.  The foreign occupation, corrupt government, cultural assaults and deaths of thousands of innocents soon generated a number of new insurgent groups.  Failing to understand what was happening the Americans lumped all resistance groups under the label of “Taliban.” Facing defeat after 11 years of war America is seeking to disengage, now calling for negotiations with the demonized Taliban.  Both the Taliban and Government, as well as other insurgent groups, expect that when America again walks away, another multi-faceted civil war will ensue.

Deluding itself, by pointing to press photos of smiling Afghans, America fails to understand that it has trained and armed; insurgents, private armies along with the national force.  The reality is, that as long as the gifts keep coming Afghans will stand in line, smile and pose for pictures.   When the well dries up so will the smiles and competing interest will again carve up the country.  Left on its own it is probable that a new anti-corruption insurgency will eventually arise, possibly more liberal than the old Taliban.  It equally as likely that an even more fundamentalist insurgency will emerge with America squarely in it’s sights.

Afghanistan has a few flashing lights on the horizon; New Russia and China have expressed interest in helping the country.  New resources have been discovered.  India has also expressed an interest, partly with aid, partly for resources and largely to surround its own enemy, Pakistan.  Resistance to a new great game waged by the world’s three largest nations may ultimately unite Afghanistan.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Decline 102012

From the late 18th century no classical education has been complete without consideration of Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.”  Published between 1776 and 1789 his works were probably read by America’s founding fathers.  They may also have been the last American classical scholars, for science and engineering became the country’s new wave.

According to Gibbon the Empire fell through the gradual decline of civic virtue (will or cultural values.)  Rome began to hire mercenaries, rather than sacrifice in their common defense.  Romans began to pursue an easier life, without challenges but with ample entertaining diversions.  He cites governing abuses of power and religious extremism as two other causations of the decline.  Gibbon only considered Rome’s fall but a similar case can be made for each of the ancient civilizations.

By the late 20th century a long cycle theory emerged that states in essence that great powers predictably rise and fall over time, not by defeat but rather by their unwillingness to pay the cost of maintaining greatness.  The measures of power are constantly evolving with military power only a passing measure.  Unwilling to maintain the preponderance of power (economic, philosophical, social as well as military) a great power forfeits its leadership.  The world order becomes unstable until new leaderships are established.

In the 22nd century foreign scholars may be writing about the eclipse of the American sun.  It is already apparent that the economic sun no longer rises in New York to light the world.  Market forces are now constantly circling the globe.  The sun rises in Tokyo, Beijing, Dubai, Frankfurt and London before waking New York to new dynamics.  Now a debtor nation, the United States can no longer project its power by loans to needy states.

Roman gladiatorial diversions have evolved into Saturday, Sunday and Monday night football, with replays for the rest of the week.  Political debates are upstaged by news of wardrobe malfunctions (they are at least more interesting and informative.)  The highest salaries go to entertainers. The traditional civilian army has become a Praetorian Guard exercising political power over civilian restraints.  National security programs grow, never shrink, despite increased reliance on proxy armies and paid mercenaries (contractors).   Battlefield success fails to deliver desired political outcomes, yet the military seeks to blunder on to another war.

In any given situation government’s first impulse is cover up, stamping classified in the national interest, on bungled excursions.  The military began training some of histories’ most formidable warriors over ten years ago.  These Afghan warriors defeated the Persians, Alexander, British (three times), Russians and are forcing Americans into retreat. Failure is covered up by Generals demanding another ten years to “train” the Afghan Army in the American way.  To lose?

Already on a downhill slide, how far to the precipice?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Destiny 100912

The United States of 19th century was one of Manifest Destiny.  According to its proponents it was the destiny of the new nation to reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

Many even advocated the annexation of Canada and Mexico. Exploration of the Louisiana territory led to conflicts over British Canada’s Oregon territory. After minor skirmishes the northern border, was adjusted in a series of negotiations. Stripping Mexico of much of its territory by conquest the U.S. made a token payment for the stolen land. Russia unable to protect its colonies from American and British commercial interest agreed to sell its settlements in Alaska and along the West Coast.  The Americans took the opportunity to claim all native lands between the settlements and Canada.  Through political skullduggery and a little force in the late 1800s the United States seized the independent Kingdom of Hawaii. Manifest Destiny then searched for colonies in the Pacific and Atlantic with a canal between the two through Latin America. 

The United States achieved its Manifest Destiny at the cost of its idealism.  The country practiced slavery, ethnic cleansing, genocide, concentration camps, cultural extinction, war and manipulation of due process to acquire territories.  A late comer to colonial power, Manifest Destiny was left with only a few islands but was quick to subjugate them with skills learned in the 19th century.  America also learned that colonial empires are expensive to maintain and following a British model turned administration over to big businesses that extorted native wealth while oppressing populations. 

The 20th century ushered in a horrified progressive movement demanding humane treatment for indigenous natives.  The century also saw the country involved in five major wars, untold numbers of minor conflicts.  It also joined other colonial powers’ suppression of nationalist aspirations. In an almost “last man standing” victory the United States came out of World War Two as the world's most respected nation.  Harden by war the victor developed a self-image that its destiny was now world domination. Believing its own propaganda and blinded by its vision, the country soon began to lose its glitter around the globe.  With a still mighty military the country found that while it could win battles it could not win political wars and was repeatedly forced into a face saving withdrawals.  Soon the only people who believed American propaganda were themselves.

It was a begrimed, beggared and bedraggled Imperial America that entered the 21st century.  With few friends it soon discovered many enemies able to reach into its heartland.  Unable to fight shadows, as a distraction America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq defeating their forces quickly with overwhelming power it could not sustain.  By twisting arms and bribery a token force was recruited to appear as an international effort but the war rested squarely on American shoulders. After ten years of military occupation attempting to install 19th century colonial regimes responsive to Washington, America faces total rejection.  Insurgencies and competing factions now tear both countries with the rot spreading throughout the region.  In the face of failure America is again declaring victory and withdrawing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Legacy 100512

The eleventh anniversary of the United States’ declaration of war on terror is an appropriate time to step back and consider the legacy of its longest battle.  (The war on drugs is longer but with less cultural impact.)

This is a war of difficult to measure intangibles.  Over 6,500 Americans lost their lives on battlefields and another 50 thousand were wounded.  Surrogate armies lost about half that number, still an exorbitant cost to small nations.  The cost to local Afghan, Iraqi and Pakistani forces are also high and may never be accurately known.  Bare numbers do not consider soldiers who later died as a result of battle exposures nor the increased rate of suicides among soldiers.

Estimates of casualties among innocent civilians range into hundreds of thousands (all causes).   The U.S. Military own estimates admit that collateral damage (its euphemism for killing of bystanders in pursuit of its objectives) is in tens of thousands. Victory is now claimed on the basis of the execution of just two men: one a head of state and embarrassing former ally and the other a philosopher, figure head also a former ally.

The military reluctantly concedes that its policies failed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  The designated enemies are now a far stronger than before the invasions. Both countries are destabilized and may fracture into post intervention civil wars.  Under covert cover, regional dissent groups, armed and funded during the war are spreading destabilization widely.

In the immediate wake of the 911 attack poorly drafted legislation and executive orders were issued.  According to government investigations, under these programs average Americans are targeted. A recent U.S. Senate report states that one multibillion dollar program produced little valuable intelligence on terrorism. "The ... investigation could identify no reporting which uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could it identify a contribution such fusion center reporting made to disrupt an active terrorist plot," the report said.  It went on to state that agencies used the authority to infringe on civil liberties targeting groups deemed dangerous: i.e. ACLU, abortion rights activist, war protesters etc.  Because of the mixing of federal and states’ monies the Government is unable to determine just how much money has been spent on this non-productive program.

In wasting money DOD can not be out spent by another government agency.  Since the war began the Army has spent over five billion dollars on camouflage equipment, and must spend as much again to replace current inadequate material.  Not to be out done, but spending less, the other services decided they too must have unique new uniforms.  This follows a multibillion-dollar program to replace the “WWII tin pot” helmet with one that wouldn’t stay on soldiers’ heads and they couldn’t even fight in it, also replaced during the war.

Bureaucracies are self-generating and when given the freedom of vague restrictions and unlimited funds they will abuse intended mandates.  Now citizen surveillance can extend to every call, tweet and email.  Anti-terrorist software can now track innocent senior citizens or children down any street because a terrorist may be anyone.  Trained to repel terrorist armies, local police now shoot first and teaser unruly schoolboys in classrooms. 

The ultimate intangible is that radicalism has become universal.  Legislators attempt to erode constitutional protections.  Governors ignore constitutions and legislatures attempting to rule by edict.  The military now has authority for domestic spying on the American public, arrest and hold incognito indefinitely any citizen.  To the military disgust this act still requires the signature of its civilian commander in chief.  The commander of the Special Operations Command attempted to bypass civilian control, stating he already had enough authority to attack anyone, anywhere in the world without any civilian oversight in the name of National Security.

Domestic terrorism has become a norm where any large gathering is a possible target for the disenchanted.  Law is breaking down and protections becoming more reactionary.  The intangible is that the people have come to accept loss of privacy and freedoms in the name of necessary actions, which do not protect.

Extremism is not restricted to one region, nationality or religion; it takes root in any fertile soil.  The war on terror plowed the ground and spread the seeds.  Now watch it grow.


Friday, October 5, 2012

It’s definite 100412

The first debate in the obscenely expensive 2012 presidential campaign is over.  According to the pundits: the Blues won, the Reds won, it was a tie.  What is definite is that the people lost.

The people should have been enlightened on each candidate’s position and the country’s future direction under their respective leadership.  After all the cost of campaign 2012 is expected to exceed two billion dollars not counting special interest spending not monitored.  That money could have been applied to the national debt and the people spared the almost two year pointless, political harangue. 

Consider a possible October campaign season where the candidates can spend only a million each.  Such a campaign would be just as beneficial to the people as the present system.  Why not?  Because political campaigns are now big business, where bigger businesses get the candidates they can afford.

Presidential debates waste time and money and should be considered more like reality TV entertainment than a productive democratic process.  It is little remembered but a feminist group, to attract attention to its agenda, staged the first TV debates.  According to serious analysis of that debate, Nixon won but Kennedy looked sexier on TV.  From that precedent debates have been a downhill run for “good TV.” Candidates merely justify a video opportunity and issues are unimportant.  Networks like debates because they are cheap to produce and they don’t have to pay the talent.  Special interests like the debates because they get national exposure of their banners.   Political consultants like debates because they get big buck employment and can always blame the candidate for failures.  The people are bored by debates since nothing is said and truth is a UFO. Candidates probably hate debates because it wastes time better spent at home with their family. Cosmetologist, Tailors and set designers love debates because they get signed photos to hang in their establishments.

The people would be better served if the candidates just sent them sign photos and forgot the meaningless rhetoric.

Advertising agencies, media pundits and spin doctors also love debates because they can now generate some real “horse race” excitement without trying to explain boring political stuff. 

The people have lost the prerequisite of democratic elections, the right to be an informed voter.  Since it is now a horse race why not open a two dollar betting window to pay off the national debt?  Ill informed voters would flock to the windows to cast their vote for a chance at an after tax return of one dollar.  Two-dollar betting could replace an antiquated and expensive election system.  The voice of peoples’ collective bets  just might be heard over the roar of big buck donors.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Example 091312

There is an old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do.’  For most of the 20th century the United States has been selling the world on the self-deceptive virtues of the “American” way.

The United States points to its electoral freedom of choice as proof that its five percent has a divine right to dictate to the other 95 percent of the world’s peoples. Late 20th century US elections began to expose the fallacy of its virtuous claims. Campaign 2012 may not be America’s dirtiest, but its dirt is more exposed. 

The people no longer have to wait a 100 years for historians to vacuum up campaign dirt politicians swept under the rug. Communication revolutions facilitate political dirty tricks but also provide the world with an immediate view of assaults on democracy.  A popular TV show coined “everyone lies,” for good TV, but the slogan overstates reality. A more accurate statement is that all political candidates lie, even to themselves, most of the time. 

What Campaign 2012 has demonstrated is that some candidates lie more often than others.  They now hire political consultants to generate ever-greater deceptions.  The same social networks that spread political manure now generate fake facts to deceive.

While the major national campaign only occurs ever four years, Campaign America is really continuous with local elections, by-elections, pre and post campaigns all focused on preventing free choice.  Party partisan legislatures pass discriminatory laws for political advantage and prevent opposition influence.  The courts may eventually overturn these laws but not before they have unfairly impacted the next election.  Legislation for Campaign 2012 demonstrates attempts to carry American politics back to the worst abuses of the 19th century where minorities can’t vote, unions are forbidden and robber barons can still buy the best legislation they can afford.  State legislatures are targeting groups and individuals expected to vote in opposition or even speak with dissenting voices.  They are making the Constitution a tattered rag.

The world is watching Campaign Theater that entertains with dis-information.  Campaign conventions pander to extremist ideologies, which demonize religions, emigrants, the poor and powerless.  The worldview is a country on the brink of bankruptcy spending campaign billions for the privilege of driving the car of state off the cliff.

Electioneering has never been an ethical affair in the United States.  Even that free press philosopher, guru Thomas Jefferson, as a politician, attempted to silence the press.  Political corruption now feeds on a media that has abandoned pretense of being free or objective.  The rich and powerful have built an oligarchy on the bare bones of a democracy.

The world rejects American false idealism but embraces its real example of corrupting elections by importing experienced American political consultants to deceive their own populations.  In politics, the enemy is always a honest, free, informed voter.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Blind tech 090612

The Pentagon has grabbed a new buzzword, make that a couple of words, “Incestuous Amplification. (IA).”  DOD’s embrace of an academic phrase to explain an old and well-documented political and technological condition is not new. 

The military has a long history of plagiarism, believing it is above the law since it has the power behind law.  The problem however is not restricted to military arrogance; IA is pervasive in the American culture.

Public and private project managers are known to enhancing their project results for larger budgets, promotions or just political capital.  It is inevitable that they soon begin to believe their own marketing propaganda and politicians jump on board in hopes of a silver bullet that saves their agendas.  Feeding on itself IA soon becomes a run away train going down hill on the wrong track.  Manipulated data and flawed feedback stokes the locomotive’s fires ever hotter.  With its safety valves of truths tied down, sooner or later the boiler will explode.  Today’s supposed silver bullets are technologically centric.  Wars can be won by remote controlled toys; elections by social media and profits rise on techno sales based on IA of successes.

Consider the claims that remote control drones are winning wars since every round fired destroys the Taliban chief, generating a great victory.  The problem is that the military hasn’t learned that the Taliban is only a small portion of the insurgency, growing with each misfired round.  The IA comes from remote operators claiming hero status from 10,000 miles away for every body left in a crater, colonels claiming stars for every mission flown and politicians desperate for a victorious exit justification.

Decision processes are disconnected from reality. Decision-makers see what they want to see rather than what is, reacting with ever greater reliance on hope over base line truths.  In scientific methodology this is called ‘save the hypothesis’ where all data contradicting the desired outcome are discarded. 

This election year candidates perceive victory as resting on smart phones, I-something or the other and “twits.”  Campaign goals are control of the social media to obscure the absence of coherent social agendas.  Victory is seen as inciting the largest mob but mobs are ungovernable.  Social media gurus point to the Arab Spring as social media’s revolutionary victory but a year later the revolutions continue and instability reigns.  Terror is homegrown for mobs have no agenda but rather thousands of conflicting agendas.  The strong will devour the weak and victors will devour democratic reforms.

Technophiles are writing a prescription for increasing disorientation, which will increase confusion and disorder among the human drones attempting to make decisions, resulting ultimate systemic failures.

Technology is only a tool not a solution. While not the fastest computer, good solutions still rely on critical human minds supplied with honest data.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Autoculture 040912

The enduring myth of American culture is the 19th century cowboy life.  Idealized as the symbol of independence and freedom the legendary cowboy was one with his horse with a world only viewed from a saddle. 

By the turn of the century, automobiles crashed into the cowboys’ world.   Despite the collision the horse culture lived on until the mid-20th century.  The early era of moving pictures romanticized cowboys’ dying values but automobiles were slow to catch on, sometimes slower than a cowboy’s ambling horse.  Roads were wagon ruts, and cars unreliable.  “Get a horse” was the public’s derisive cry to early autonauts.  Streetcars eventually replaced horse cars but they competed with horse drawn utility vehicles.  Left alone the horse could take care of itself but despite constant care and maintenance mechanical “stink pots” fell apart.  By 1950 Saturday still saw farm families arriving in small towns by horse drawn wagons to sell produce, shop and visit.  That remnant of horse culture quickly disappeared as the result of a convergence of war, production, marketing and politics.

World War Two taught a generation to drive and maintain vehicles.  Mobilized for war, industry found itself with excess capacity at its end.  Oil producers formed a cabal with auto companies to market mechanized cowboy independence and freedom to a young population freed of wartime constraints.  President Eisenhower began a coast to coast road building program.  Television programming moved from horse operas to auto adventures. “Route 66,” about the adventures of two modern cowboys and a Corvette, became popular entertainment.  LBJ signed the death knell of horse with his “Great Society” extending roads into backwoods America where rusted out pickup trucks replaced mules.  A mule could always get a Saturday night reveler home, but pickups littered ditches until Sunday afternoons.  Mass transit became the victim of aggressive auto marketing, cheap gas and new car models sold dreams.   Auto centric suburbs and shopping malls littered the landscape.   You could escape by exotic auto vacations; from one parking lot to another. Developers’ quest became to blacktop the world.

By the 21st century the only remnant of cowboy life is that if it can’t be done from your own “auto saddle” it doesn’t need to be done.  There are drive through restaurants, laundries, funeral homes even traffic courts.  There are also potholes, collapsing bridges, gridlock and smog.  Drivers now answer cell phones, text mindless thoughts, buy online, even play games while driving.  Technophobic drivers are seen reading papers, applying makeup or playing a guitar at 70miles an hour; the ditches are now littered with wrecks everyday of the week.   Gas is expensive, cars cost as much as a house but the auto culture clings to it’s cowboy image of freedom of the road.  Road rage, rages and today’s autonauts fight any return of mass transit.  Riding a train or bus infringes on their constitutional freedom.  Autonauts will accept abuse, humiliation and sardine like seating on an airplane because flying gets them into their rent-a-car saddle faster.

It’s time for the autonauts to save the world and saddle up to ride off into the sunset.   Time for the autoculture to GET A HORSE!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Random news items that elicited comment and reflection.
The 26-year-old United Nations Convention Against Torture requires that all parties to it seek to enforce its provisions, even for acts committed elsewhere. That provision, known as universal jurisdiction, has been cited in the past by international prosecutors to justify investigations of acts by foreign officials. It is probable that the future will see more nations review the actions of others as the measures of power evolve.

Eye of the spy
American officials are overhauling federal statues to allow greater authority to spy on citizens without judicial review.  The Bush administration secretly expanded illegal surveillance.  Congress retroactively approved those acts by making ex post facto law.  Once a government bureaucrat starts there is no stopping.  Current proposals include requiring cable and phone providers to create surveillance backdoors to their services.  Government agents seek to centralize Internet and phone communications so that it passes through their hands first.  Essentially this is the key to censorship and serves as a model for all other totalitarian regimes seeking to suppress descent.

Non candidate
Ron Paul a GOP candidate for president is not doing well in the race to the White House.
Part of his difficulty is that he is rational in an irrational campaign.  Paul publicly opposes key GOP legislation for indefinite detention of American citizens without due process of law.  The legislation also provides the U.S. military authority to act as a secret police force on American soil.  Paul along with his son U.S. Senator Rand Paul also opposes the unrestrained authority of TSA. Subsequently TSA demonstrated that power by harassing the Senator during a screening that forced him to miss his flight.   While demonstrating its storm trooper power over all who oppose it, TSA also demonstrated its arrogance and lack of smarts.  For a government agency to harass a U.S. Senator, the son of a U.S. Representative and presidential candidate was not the way to change minds and win support.

Only fools rush in
Only a fool would believe a politician’s campaign promises.  The fact is however the fools elect candidates based on those promises and showmanship.  It has been said that the voters get the government they deserves, so fools elect fools to fool themselves with foolish government.  This campaign season the GOP has put on a show, worthy of court jesters, with lots of humor and slapstick. Explicit and implicit promises have included Christianity (Protestant) as state religion, evict all immigrants, women as chattel, ten cent gas, riches to the rich, new wars for the generals, no taxes for political donors and return to ancient values the candidates don’t value.  Each candidate attempts to out radical the other at each sound bite for extremist votes while frightening the middle.  The GOP has engaged in a bloody and vicious self-destruct campaign to the delight of the Democrats who so far have escaped their own civil war this campaign season.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

War 031112

SHOCKED and AWED, now what?

War began with the dinosaurs and has been evolving ever since.  There have been some constants like lots of blood and the military industrial complex (MIC). Cavemen threw stones until their MIC sold clubs for faster blood letting.  Dino-battle was about food and survival but evolution produced man, civilization and just war.  This higher order saw war as a power game often engaged in for pure entertainment for the powerful the unenlightened victims however selfishly still saw it as a matter of survival.

The goal was loot, territory, ideology or subjugation of neighbors. Measures of glory were based on the “butchers bill” the number of dead left on the battlefield.  It was a point of honor for generals to lose more soldiers than the enemy as an indication of greatness of their victory over a superior force.  Of course spinning the body count obscured incompetence, besides the generals could grow rich on the back pay of dead heroes.  The MICs learned early how to create markets through arms against armor competitions.  The merchants of death always had new toys that would guarantee victory in the next game.  There was always a next campaign for war was seldom decisive, battles being fought between spring planting and the fall harvest.  Although not decisive, war was extremely brutal and costly. 

As the social order became more complex kings devised a set of rules for the conduct of warfare.  Military theories became formalized and philosophies emerged to justify war.  The German Clausewitz coined the phrase “total war” meaning a nation must sacrifice in a total commitment to victory.  An American, Phil Sheridan, redefined the term as total destruction of an enemy people by any means.   His interpretation led to the world's most destructive century, which left runaway MICs intent on producing even more destructive toys for generals.

Toys are to be played with but the world couldn't survive another great power conflict.  The MICs colluded to play with their new toys on a series of surrogate battlefields.  With the temporary collapse of the great power paradigm the MICs were in danger of losing their markets.  The generals looked at their great pile of rusting toys, envisioned the MICs shinning new creations and devised new strategies.  There was a shortage of viable enemies so designate a bad guy, demonize his intent, and stage a preemptive strike with shock and awe.   Shock and Awe allowed the generals to dump all their old toys on the demon at once, making room for the shiny new technologies at the same time.  The difficulty is that the demon is destroyed the social order devastated and the generals are left with a new toys that quickly rust.

The generals declare victory, leave instability in a failing state and create new demons to shock and awe for continuation of their gory quest for glory.  There are no just wars, only justified wars that allow armies to destroy without accountability but leaving a legacy of hostility and distrust.  It is the nature of power than when you have it, you will be an arrogant bully but when power declines its legacy returns to haunt.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Boxes & Bags 031012

Can democratic freedoms fly with the weight of excess baggage?

During the early Stone Age after a short head butting two cavemen decide that mutual agreement was considerable easier on the head, and so began democracy but as more troglodytes gathered chaos reigned. Head butting again became the norm until the biggest and baddest emerged as dictator and freedom picked up its first piece of baggage. 

For thousands of years the strongest ruled the roost but as the societies grew larger the strongest acquired selected followers. Over time the followers wanted a larger slice of the pie. By the era of the Greeks the people decided that they also wanted some pie.  After a time the Greeks decided this wasn't a really great idea as the baggage really piled up.  Another thousand or so years the select lords revolted against strongmen Kings.  Eventually the people thought revolt was a good idea and overthrew their lords and again took over governing themselves.  Self-rule was rocky, in small homogeneous villages the people gathered, discussed and came to decisions by consensus.  Town meetings grew more complex and the rich or loudest often-dominated meetings and decisions.  Boxcars of baggage now block the right of way.  Democracy moves by fits and starts subject to corruption, manipulation and abuse of the people's will.

By the turn of the 19th century heterogeneous societies were again in revolt this time in a progressive movement to recapture and reform democratic principles.  The movement brought election reforms, organized workers, women's voices were recognized, laws refined and rights protected.  Every step forward however was resisted, opposed even battled by the rich and powerful.  A schism emerged between the people and the powerful.  This has become the territory of manipulators, criminals and profiteers for in chaos there is opportunity.  World War Two veterans came home to battle crooked politicians who had captured democratic freedoms while attention was focused overseas.  The veterans took back their governments, focusing on duty honor and country.  Respected by the voters they failed to notice that the pile of baggage was growing higher ever faster as society coasted on reputation.  Technology advanced at warp speed and so did competition for limited government services.  Democracy is becoming a colossal Ponzi scheme of promise everyone everything but deliver little and lie with style. 

Not completely deceived, the public no longer votes for; rather it chooses the least objectionable candidates.  Legislators now have virtual tenure representing special interest rather than their more diverse constituencies.  Constituencies are complicit by failing to be interested enough to pay attention to the erosion of freedoms.  Politicians are marketed like soap and are just as slippery. Pundits point to the voices of social media as a guarantee of democracy's future.  While it has possibilities Social media is more about entertainment and dis-information than creating an informed electorate.  Social media endangers democratic processes by creating an unruly mob driven by emotions and self- interest, easily manipulated by showmen and new lords of the WORD.

The pile of baggage is now so great that freedom is in danger of going the way of the Dodo bird. People form the greatest mismatched set of luggage but democracy doesn't work unless people are involved.  Freedom is too important to entrust to the few.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Models 030812

There are two models for democratic government, the British parliamentary and the American constitutional.  There wasn’t a true Communist democratic model despite its high ideals, the Soviet’s interpretation could loosely be termed “central planning democracy”, which has lost most of its attraction.

The British elect representative from multiple parties during short campaigns; the party with the most representatives forms a ruling government.  It governs until the next general election in five years (prior to the fixed term legislation in 2011, Parliamentary terms were long or short based on confidence in government.)  If no party wins a majority in the general election then a coalition government is formed, often contributing to short sessions.  Most of the former British colonies adapted its parliamentary system in some form or the other. 

In an early demonstration of proclivity to reinvent the wheel, the American colonies rejected the British model forming a constitutional federation dividing government power.  The division of power was sold to the voters as a system of checks and balances preventing British government abuses that led to the American Revolution. Initially a number of emerging States ‘adapted’ the American model.  In the United States that model evolved into a rigid two party system of corruption, equivocation and constant electioneering.  (After long campaigns national elections are held every two years with local elections in off years.)

America forced a fun house mirror constitution on its 19th century colonial conquests attempting to disguise its imperialism.  Riding its wave of post War II victory and egotistical exceptionalism Americans continue attempts to impose its form of government and way of life across the globe.  In general the American hard sell is resented and opposed.  Americans can never accept rejection and to deceive its own electorate will always find local surrogates to govern as long as there are dollars left on the table.

Constitutional idealism suffers from the same flaw as communism idealism; neither can stand against politicians’ ideology of Power.  Post war marketing of American government ran into an informational backdoor that allowed viewing of its political clay feet via television and the Internet.  The 2012 American political campaigns are mired in very expensive mud, presenting a world frightening vision of increasingly radical American domination.  Candidates advocate religious war, economic war, race war, sex war, resource war, remote war and even war against each other.  Candidates must look strong, drop a bomb on someone, anyone before the election.  They are resorting to tried and true tactics of focus the electorate on an external enemy and it will not notice the poor quality of its candidates.  Democracy customers however are watching the greatest show on earth with trepidation and rejection of American big stick democracy. 

It is probable that they’ll again find local dictatorships preferable to foreign dictates no matter how well dressed in meaningless idealism.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No change 022812

Riots have overtaken Afghanistan with locals and foreigners being caught twixt a clash of cultures.  The spark that ignited the latest wave of violence was the burning of copies of the Quran and other religious papers at a major U.S. base.  Before American damage control kicked in an official spokesman implied that the Quran burning was purposeful, since prisoners held at the base were reciting passages as some terrorist code.

To Muslims the Quran is held in higher esteem than the Bible by even the most fundamentalist of Christians.  Destroying a Quran is an insult to Islam.  The military probably understood this but failed to appreciate that it was considered a sin and insulted all Muslims everywhere, not just the prisoners who owned the books.  The riots would probably have passed with little notice if American soldiers had not also been killed. Both Christians and Muslims honor those martyred defending their faith but religion is about life not martyrdom.

The American military has shouted that it will continue to ignore reality and follow its conquering army policies as sound strategy.  As regrettable as the deaths are, they are understandable, a sense of frustration and hopelessness grips Afghans.  For millenniums they have resisted foreign occupying armies and despite self-disillusionment the Americans are an occupying army.  The Afghans see assaults on their culture and religion, destroyed villages and wandering refugees, corruption, insults and abuse.  The foreign army has attempted to impose an American society, that the Afghans can’t afford, on the country.  They hear American political candidates using harsh Afghan rhetoric as a campaign tool.  They see American agencies stirring up Muslim unrest in Africa, Near and Mid-east.  Christian fundamentalists call to smite the heathens. Afghans see the military supporting attacks on Muslims around the world and the NYPD targeting Muslims across America. The problem with all this is that Muslims can read papers, search the Internet and watch TV as American voices fan flames of hatred.  Even before the latest unrest the intelligence community was attempting to warn the American government of the failures of military policies in Afghanistan.  The military countered they were on track and the people loved them, much the same as British claims before its 1857 Indian mutiny.

The military is very slow to learn about Islamic culture having only confronted it since 1784 (five years before the Constitution was ratified) and battled them in 1801 (shores of Tripoli).  Fought Philippine Muslims since 1898 (took a break during WWII but still continues attempts at suppression.) In the post war era the military supported a number of surrogate wars across Africa and Asia and overthrew the only democratic elected Islamic government. There are still serving soldiers from the first Gulf War and soldiers have been in Afghanistan for eleven years still not understanding the culture. The Afghans do not want and will not accept life as a military colony. The strength of a military is to destroy but make only token attempts at building social structures. The military’s short view on development serves its own strategic need for long wars.  Constructing an Afghan state, they can afford, must be done by Afghans, advised by civilians skilled on social processes not strutting soldiers intent on prolonging war for their greater glory.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

shifting culture

Editorial comments on recent Florida news

011212 Chalk

Chalk one up for totalitarian government.  Totalitarianism survives on creative interpretations of laws to circumvent constitutional protections.  The Government is making much that the “chalker” made no resistance to going to jail for his non-crime.  Smart kid, to question would have been termed resistance and probably have led to his severe beating and possibly death which the government would have called justified defense of freedoms.  The City need to pass a new law to ban all chalk sales, imprison chalk smugglers along with children, teachers and artists who have ever polluted the environment with chalk dust.  How’s that for an ‘ex post facto’ creative interpretation of environmental law.  (Ref Orlando mayor’s counter to occupy movement actions. The “crime” was to chalk ‘justice for all’ on the sidewalk.  After keeping the young man in jail for several days (18?) he was released without ever seeing a courtroom.  Similar actions across the country by authorities seem to indicate a conspiracy by government leaders to silence increasing popular dissent.)

011712 FAMU

In the less than growing debate over hazing one point seem to escaped debate.  Hazing has always been around and probably always will be but there has been a cultural change that accepts abuse.  In the FAMU case a man died and not a case of child play that got out of hand.  His death followed a long period of well-known serious injuries to other adults.  The subsequent media focused is on band hazing but it is probable that there are other examples of hazing at the school.  The administration signaled that hazing was acceptable by ignoring and covering up hazing.  It continues to do so by hiring a PR firm to “improve its image” read that as diverting attention from and covering up administration complicity in murder.  Instead of proactive classes in ethics, reforms or even psychological assessments the administration chose to spend its money on PR dis-information. The Band doesn’t need to be suspended instead the Administration should be permanently suspended.  Otherwise the problem continues to grow as soon as public focus shifts. A fitting tribute to the victim would be real cultural reform by a Robert Champion moral code of conduct for the school.  (Ref the hazing beating death of a young man.)

011912 Tax the internet

Florida merchants term Internet sales as unfair because most do not charge Florida sales tax.  The merchants are correct; Internet sources are unfair but not because of no sales tax.  Most people would much rather pay sixty-five cents in sales tax on a ten-dollar item rather than a ten-dollar shipping and handling charge and three day wait.  The unfairness is that outsiders provide products and services scorned by local merchants.  Customers are forced to spend half a day and gallons of gas going from mall to mall before giving up local searches for the simplest product.  Customers discovered sales personnel are only marginally qualified to take payments, can provide no product information and are surly if not outright abusive. Customers who turn to the Internet, in a matter of minutes, can find the item they are looking for, information on use and comparison of products.  They can order online even talk to a real person who for the most part is civil if not outright nice and knowledgeable of the product line.  Legislation instead of imposing taxes on Internet sales should force local merchants and sales personnel to provide products and services customers need.  In the era of the customer is always wrong the Internet is our only savior.   (Ref a major legislative push by merchants and business oriented governor to suppress Internet sales.)

112012 Internet cafes

To state it clearly, I am opposed to eliminating Internet cafes.  I don’t use them but multitudes do staying informed and in touch with friends.   The shutdown justifications given by officials are bogus and not supported by any data.  Ever since the so-called “Arab Spring” politicians have been petrified that electronic media may focus on them and expose their failures to govern in the democratic interest of the people.  Totalitarian states have repeatedly attempted to shut down the Internet and failed.  Now politicians are using spurious justifications in attempts to legislate a piecemeal Internet shutdown.   Yes Internet commerce does cut into profits of friendly political contributors but more importantly it provides a voice to the powerless, who have no paid access to legislators.  The governor’s latest thrust will only benefit his business friends and suppress dissent for only so long before it boils over into an American Spring.”  The people need a voice even if the powerful don’t listen.  Fight to protect the one few remaining freedoms (wide access to information in order to become the informed public that democratic freedoms require.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Never learn 120411

At the end of the Vietnam conflict a senior American officer taunted a senior NVA officer that the North had never won a battle during the war.  The NVA officer responded that it was irrelevant because they won the war.

An American General recently berated the Afghans for not appreciating all the Americans were doing for the country.  It was clear from his interview that despite ten years in Afghanistan the General still did not understand the culture or blunders his Army had made during its occupation.  He pointed to the country’s army once it completed American training as a future success.

Wait a minute General haven’t you been training that Army for over ten year?  Considering that the training program began with history’s greatest and most experienced warriors your training program seems to have a few problems.  Afghans stood off the Persians, fought Alexander to a standstill, absorbed the Great Khan’s forces, captured much of India, and defeated the British three times.  The British claim their third occupation attempt is really a victory, but they left despite their use of chemical weapons, aerial annihilation and concentration camps.  The country became a Cold War battlefield when the Soviets attempted to prop up a friendly government and Afghan fighters forced a withdrawal.  American supplied weapons brought local warlords to power and a bloody civil war ensued until the Taliban brought a degree of peace to the country.

Afghans have long memories and astute judgement of realities over propaganda.  Comparing the Soviet and American occupations the Afghans see Soviet built roads, hospitals, schools and housing.  Despite American crowing the Afghans see military roads leading to permanent American occupation forts, corruption and blatant attempts at destruction of their culture.  America has dumped a great deal of money into the country attempting to establish a little America that the Afghans don’t want and can’t afford once foreign aid ends.

When the Americans invaded, fragile victory could have resulted in good government and lasting peace.  Instead under U.S. Army’s flawed assumptions the country was burdened with puppets prohibited from negotiating a settlement.  For the Army all “Rag Heads” were the enemy and with a beard they were evil.  Now over ten years later the Army wants negotiations with the insurgents but have a missed opportunity that is remembered.  Afghans remember indiscriminate bombing, imprisonments and cover-ups. 

General, Americans are easy to deceive because they want to believe their own propaganda.  Building your new propaganda radio station on Kandahar air base to preach American gospel is counter productive.  The Afghans remember that Kandahar base was American built in the fifties as a cold war base, and became an invasion base fifty years later.  The American administration wants its army out by 2012 but the military is already pushing the withdrawal years down the road.  There are all those new American bases to use and besides it’s the only war it has left.  General, keep wondering why the Afghans don’t love you.