Thursday, August 31, 2017

News 080417

Now a word from the administration's sponsor.  Axioms of history's most successful propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, include the following:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
    “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
    “Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”

Aug. 4 (UPI) -- U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday the Department of Justice is "reviewing" media subpoena policies for reporters who cite anonymous sources in leaking classified information.

Sessions said at a news conference that federal law enforcement agencies will ramp up efforts to stem the tide of information leaks emanating from within the Trump administration, a fact that President Donald Trump has vented about publicly.

"One of the things we are doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas," Sessions said. "We respect the important role the press plays and will give them respect. It is not unlimited. They cannot place lives at risk with impunity. We must balance the press' role with protecting our national security."

This is clearly an attempt to intimidate the media from publishing public information that the people have a legal right to know.  Administrations in the past have attempted to control public information that is "leaked".  The extent of the leaks within the Trump administration work both ways, some to counter abuse of power and other leaks by the administration itself to gain power.  DOJ claims all non-official leaks are breaches of national security and classified.  The reality is that most of these leaks are political embarrassments stamped classified not military of diplomatic secrets. 

The problem with the Trump administration is that there are to many blunders to keep concealed from the public.  The Trumpites began their cover up by demonizing honest reporting while elevating alternate facts (flat lies) generated by White House propagandist as the only truth.  It quickly became apparent that only Trump's troops were being deceived so suppression was ramped up with direct threats against journalist.

Freedom and democracy quickly fall victim to suppression of independent oversight and public debate.  If public policy can not withstand public viewing then the policies are dangerously wrong.

Noah 083017

Trump is no Noah since he doesn't listen to anything except his own voice and Fox-n-friends.

A major natural disaster is occurring in the United States as a hurricane began bouncing along the gulf coast flooding major Texas towns and is now spreading into Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.  Thousands of people are now refugees with forecasts indicating they maybe displaced for years to come.  Early estimates find that this series of storms is the country's most devastating and costly ever recorded.  Hurricane Harvey first came ashore Friday night.  It was Monday night before Trump acknowledged there might be cause for concern.  When he commanded the airways for his speech he proved three things, one he needs a new speech writer, two he needs to learn to read the speech and three he has no real empathy for the storm's victims or volunteer aid workers.  On Tuesday he took his entire flying circus down for a photo opportunity with victims lined up and Trump vetted aid workers diverted from rescue efforts for campaign photos.  The cost of his circus' movement would have helped many of those people who have lost everything.  For Trump it was another opportunity for campaigning and selling his 40-dollar caps. 

Just ten days previous to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Harvey, President Trump rescinded flood preparedness rules for federal infrastructure projects via an executive order. The rules for roads, bridges, and federal buildings, called the Flood Risk Management Standard, were created by President Obama via executive order in 2015.  In essence Trump is denying sandbags to people up to their chins in floodwaters.

Der Donald has spoken there are no environmental, weather related disasters or climate change worries in America.  It is all fake news by the media, Al Gore and Hillary.  Trump carried on with his campaigning while touting his budgeting cutting as houses floated out to sea. Of course the country needs to be more prepared for catastrophic natural disasters, there will be more of all types.  Mother Nature is a fickle companion who ignores Fox News and political declarations.   Trump's budget ignores the cost of just this recovery demand and the country is still in the early hurricane season.

Trump is giving more sophisticated deadly military gear to local law enforcement.  In many jurisdictions they are already paramilitary forces.  Giving local LEAs more sophisticated weaponry in an invitation to "try it out" on the nearest crowd.  Think about the mother of all bombs dropped on celebrating sports fans or dropped to try and drain floodwaters.  Vision a column of tanks crushing cars during traffic jams or blasting a way through crowds.  If you give blue shirts toys they will be used.  Trump sees this as the way to equip his troops to eliminate anti-loyalist descent, his win-win.   Haven't we seen enough of this in other dictatorships?  In Texas the blue shirts did and outstanding job saving lives without anti-ballistic missiles and flame-throwers.  They remembered that their real mission is to serve and protect, saving lives.  Not crushing opposition to Der Donald.

More 080417

Trump tells Mexico he will send troops deep into the country to deal with the 'bad hombres.'  It appears that Trump's plan for Mexico to pay for his wall is to invade the country and annex even more territory than the U.S. seized in 1846.  It would have to be more to fulfill his "greatest ever" proclamations.

Trump demands more money from the government to house his Secret Service protection detail in his Trump Tower where it might save his life. Trump is also gouging the Military office in the Tower for more than fair rental rates paid by residents. 

Researchers at the University of Arizona law school studying fake news have identified types of fake stories. There are out and out hoaxes, that are false probably financially motivated, and intended to deceive.  Examples are ponzi schemes and real estate development scams. How about satire, which is a way of calling attention to issues by making points that every one should know are extrapolation of real news.  Think Saturday Night Live and The Onion.  Then there’s propaganda: news that’s purposefully biased or false and meant to promote a political cause or point of view. For example, stories about Hillary Clinton’s health leading up to the 2016 election and most politicians' pronouncements.

Last week, a draft of a Department of Energy study on electric grid reliability leaked. Though Trump could change its final version, essentially the study found that an increased reliance on renewable energy sources, including solar and wind, have not made the grid less stable. Instead, electric grids are “more reliable today” than before the ongoing adoption of renewable energy, due to better planning and other factors.  Secretary of Energy Rick Perry commissioned the grid study in April, as carrying the administration's transparent goal: undermining support for renewable energy, and boosting support for fossil fuels. Perry was ignoring plenty of previous research on this topic, which has found the concern to be minimal. This is a risk when you do science backwards, when you put conclusions before data: observable reality might not agree with your predetermined conclusion.  But the DOE study gives us a glimpse into an emerging Trump Science that places predetermined conclusions before research. The method something like this: Observation, hypothesis, experimentation, theory, denial, tantrum, alternative theory unsupported by either observation or experimentation, contrived experiment or debate aimed at undermining what was previously established by experimentation, continued tantrum. Repeat until the planet's fiery death.  This method of research even has an official title, "Save the hypothesis," meaning throw away all data that may cast doubt on the theory.

Trump, meanwhile, has installed the most anti-science group of zealots imaginable to run his scientific agencies, and the current Congress has shown no interest in fighting their agenda. Decades of research be damned, here come Perry and Pruitt and Zinke saying ‘Well, hang on, if we run the experiments again, maybe Newton and Galileo were wrong.

Notes 082617

Trump attempted to sneak past the public with some very questionable moves.  Using the developing disaster in Texas as cover he pardons convicted former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, fires Sebastian Gorka, and bans transgender people from serving in the military.  Apparently hoping that his Friday night actions would go unnoticed in Texas' howling winds and drenching rain and that it would also distract attention from his support of white supremacist actions in Charlottesville.  Pardoning Arpaio for his conviction in targeting Hispanics just adds more clarity to Trump's own elitist white leanings.  Trump had previously asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate

Gorka, a radical nationalist and Bannon ally was probably a victory for the new White House chief of staff but was more probably caused by Gorka receiving more press coverage than Trump.  Ultimately Trump may face even greater resistance from Bannon and Gorka as they whittle away at his radical support base.

There are few "alternative facts" coming out of the White House after Trump's attempted diversions possibly because his propagandist were again caught off guard.  Despite growing hurricane coverage the real media were quick to see through Trump's ploy: "This isn't your average sleepy Friday news dump — a trick newsmakers use to bury unpopular news by releasing it when most people aren't reading news."  Adding to White House Friday's woes was a public rebuke by National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn for Trump's inadequate response to racism saying that the administration must do better in condemning radical actions by white supremacists groups.  Trump has demonstrated no loyalty to his subordinates but demands absolute loyalty to Der Donald.  Can we expect a photo op of a mass swearing of loyalty in the near future and who will demonstrate some democratic integrity and refuse?

Speaking of demonstrations, Trump has been threatening to invade Mexico, Venezuela, and North Korea among others countries that displease him.  North Korea has called Trump's bluff now launching a series of missiles demonstrating its growing capabilities and at the same time proving Trump's mouth has endangered the world.  Trump's claim that Kim Jong Un had come to "respect" him is another alternate fact proven false.  China has also called his bluff stating, it will use 'all means necessary' to defend itself against Trump 'protectionism.'

Wait for the next Friday night dump or natural disaster for Trump has plans to open up a good deal of Federal land and at least parts of three national monuments to his developer friends.  Don't forget that Trump still thinks of himself as the real estate dealmaker, once a hustler always a hustler.  A hustler living large on tax dollars, the Secret Service says it will run out of money to protect Trump and 18 members of his family Sept. 30.  Overtime and frequent international business trips by family members have drained the Secret Service coffers, and they work for the Treasury Department.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Election 18 081517

Someone once said: 'In a democratic society the people get the representation they deserve.'  At first glance is seems to mean the democratic process automatically brings good government.  On reflection it really means that the people have to want good government and understand for whom they are really voting.  Many authoritarian regimes have come to power through the democratic process when voters succumbed to emotional appeals rather than rational choices.

The political question for the coming American elections is not a so-called Republican smaller government or a Democrat larger government but rather a peoples' working government.  In truth both parties grow government and waste large amounts of public money, just on different agendas. The tax structure does need to be simplified, but reduction of elite's taxes will not create jobs nor build a stronger economy. This is an emotional appeal sounding good but with only limited validly.  Increasing taxes can inhibit growth and will be the long-term result of short-term emotional tax reductions.  There needs to be a solid, thought out, strategic economic plan for the country.

The United States' are separately walking backward as literacy declines, child mortality (2015 WHO data) falls behind 29 lesser countries and infrastructures crumbles.  Is this the best the self-proclaimed greatest nation can do? Add to the data that the federal system in beginning to fragment and pull apart for lack of a coherent vision as a nation.  What is needed is a government with a long-term strategy for growth that last longer than a two-year election cycle of sound bites and tweet storms.

It matters a great deal how a President acts when faced with a crisis, because he is the face of the country and what it stands for.  Trump encouraged domestic radicalism during his campaign, which has contributed to increasing violence and rending the fabric of America.  By failing to condemn domestic terror encourages further violence as an administration protected activity.  When viewed internationally in a nuclear environment or faced with natural calamities the world has seen that America can not respond.  Radical groups foreign and domestic have the freedom of actions in disasters of incoming missiles, hackers, hurricanes or elections where there is advantage in chaos.  Failure to acknowledge fractures creates the chaos that will rip the country apart.  Rhetoric inciting a mob for the purpose of political intimidation is in itself an act of terror even without violence but in Charlottesville it resulted in violence and death.

Trump's statements, were too little too late and so wrong.  As usual he lies, echoing authoritarian regimes classic "blame the victims" defense.  He can not afford to place the blame where it belongs from fear of alienating his most ardent supporters.  As a result he demonstrates his weakness and inability to act as a moral anchor for the nation.  The prognosis for the country is not good.  The emotional call to wall out the world diverts attention from the real domestic dangers, collapsing bridges, contaminated water, climate change, food shortages, secession of states or revolts and even a possible coup.  Elections 2018 need a positive vision and a plan to make it to the 22nd century.  Sound bites and tweet storms won't save the country. The future requires work and a positive goal.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Fake 080417

Trump tells Mexico he will send troops deep into the country to deal with bad hombres.  It appears that Trump's plan for Mexico paying for his wall is to annex more territory than the U.S. seized in 1846.  It to be greater to fulfill his "greatest ever" proclamations.

Trump demands more money from the government to house his Secret Service detail in his Trump Tower.   They elected to move into a trailer on the street, some 40 floors below.  Trump is also gouging his tower Military office for more than fair rental rates charged residents.  Not Fake.

Researchers at the University of Arizona law school studying fake news have identified some types of fake stories. There are out and out hoaxes, that are false probably financially motivated, and intended to deceive.  Examples are Ponzi schemes, real estate development scams and hedge fund managers. Then there is satire, which is a way of calling attention to issues by making points that every one should know are extrapolation of real news.  Think Saturday Night Live and The Onion. 

Propaganda takes fake news to the level of artistic science with news purposefully biased or false and meant to promote a political cause or point of view.  That master of propaganda Joseph Goebbels codified axioms of the art, “If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will eventually come to believe it.” “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”  “Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”  The science comes in as manipulating polls and statistics to "prove" or deceive an audience.

Goebbels would have loved Twitter, as twits' tweets become easy prey to fake news generation and propagation. Fake news tweets go around and around.  The public is deceived as more "likes" legitimizes false claims.  Other recent studies of fake news have discovered that it is governments and politicians that are the primary sources of fake news.  It is the legitimate press, which is the enemy of disinformation as solid research, uncovers truths and motivations behind the dissemination of fake news.   This is the reason that the administration is demonizing American journalist.  Make the people distrust the truth and by default they will believe your lies.  While technology speeds dissemination of news it has also facilitated the emergence of biased fake news outlets.   Control the message is the first tool of dictatorships and coups so own the presses.

The social media is the instrument deception.  Anyone can put anything out there and the deceived will bandwagon on a runaway train of lies.  The deceived will never accept that they have been hoodwinked and go to their graves believing the unbelievable.  It is easy to incite a mob with fake news on social media.

The creation of a mob maybe in the short-term interest of politicians.  History shows, however that once a mob is mobilized it becomes uncontrollable spinning off in unexpected directions, producing contrary and undesirable outcomes.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Buzz 080517

The DC buzz might be an administration trial balloon to see if Trump could get away with changing horses in mid-stream. The reaction should be, at all cost prevent Trump's recess appointments.  That said neither the president nor congress (either house) have earned a vacation.  Forget a re-boot of heath care come back and move on, let committees treat wounds that the battle has inflicted on government.  The new agenda on the hill should be to kill the border wall, repair the decaying infrastructure, simplify tax structure, deal with real problems and ignore Trump generated fake news

Protect the investigations and investigators from Trump's bullying fury.  The investigation is already faced with the most corrupt administration in American History.  This is a case of "follow the money" wherever it leads and punish perjury and obstruction whoever is guilty.  Shake the trees and rake the leaves, the danger is procrastination when continued corruption can destroy the country.

Stand up to the want a be dictator and protect the constitution and nation from Der Donald.  It's probable that those that do standup will become national heroes in the near future.   Presidents have always used a little polite arm-twisting to advance their agendas
The problem is that Trump's agenda extends no further than branding a big "T" on everything while advancing his business empire.  Polite arm-twisting has become publicly swinging a nine iron at the head all who displeases in an attempt to rule by fear.  He has publicly threatened members of Congress with every punishment available to politicians except (as yet) imprisonment.  Imprisonment however has been promised to journalist that exposes his questionable antics.  This week more of Trump's lies were exposed when it was discovered that he invented congratulatory calls from leaders of Boy Scouts of America after spewing hate, insults and campaign slogans in a speech at the Scout jamboree.  Almost in the same breath he falsely claimed a congratulatory call from the president of Mexico, again never happened.  

Senator Jeff Flake has noted, "Under our Constitution, there simply are not that many people who are in a position to do something about an executive branch in chaos. Too often, we observe the unfolding drama along with the rest of the country, passively, all but saying, ‘Someone should do something!’ without seeming to realize that someone is us.”

Trump's thumpers have been ordered out into the streets to enforce loyalty to Der Donald by roughing up opposition and questioners to his true words posted on twitter.  Does all this sound familiar from almost a century ago?  Congress must exercise its constitutional checks and balances quickly before there is no Congress to protect the people and the judiciary is relegated to being a rubber stamp.

Almost a century ago author Sinclair Lewis wrote, "It Can't Happen Here," a novel based on the possible rise of a populace leader in America.  It is a disturbing book viewed against 21st century reality, much more so than Orwell's 1984.  Every Congressman and Senator should have copies of both open on their desks.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Unprepared 080117

Contrary to their motto the boy scouts were totally unprepared Trump's campaign ravings about how great he was and why they should vote him.  As usual he was wrong about the crowd being the largest ever and it would probably have been even smaller if they hadn't been marched to the speech.

While Trump was abusing the scouts his chief of staff was unprepared when in loyalty to the leader the Mooch tied the can to the chief.  The Mooch who saw greater glory for himself was unprepared when a day later Trump tied a can to his own tail.

Trump himself was unprepared when the Senate repeatedly shot him down on health care bill.  Despite ten holes in his foot Trump is demanding one more shot as he limps across his golf course maintained by low wage immigrants.  Are his employees prepared or exempt from green card checks?

The scouts motto is of course "Be Prepared" but then Trump never lowered himself to join the "rabble" in scouting.  The exact ranking of scouting in Trump's mind is difficult to determine because their values are so alien to him.  The scouts praise things like honor and trustworthiness while he has repeatedly proven that he has no honor and can't be trusted.   For Trump loyalty only works one way, to Der Donald, as he is quick to shove friends and foes alike under any bus he is driving.  Foreign leaders have discovered that Trump is neither friendly nor even courteous to potential allies rather he is hostile and domineering. As for thrifty he is the envy of every drunken sailor, spending the people's money for his own gratification touring his empire of golf clubs.  Trump was totally unprepared to serve as the nation's leader and continues to be unprepared to serve as he refuses the hard work of paying attention to the complexities of governance.

Another scout attribute, bravery is also absent in Trump.  When he is faced by bigger bullies it is Trump who hits the wall.  In his defense Trump was never a scout and never learned their basic code of conduct and sees no reason to learn from some foreign ideas. (In 1907, Robert Baden-Powell, founded the Scouting movement in England, in America Powell's ideas merged in 1910 with existing boy clubs to become BSA.)

Der Donald somehow avoided the draft for eight years (1964 to the 1972 end of draft) and did not serve in the military.  This is not a condemnation as the draft was a crapshoot for most young men of the era.  Even if called up the draft was easily avoided if there was enough money to enroll in college or flee to Canada and Sweden.  So Trump should not be blamed for failing to serve, most of his generation did not.  This lack of service however left its mark on the man for he never saw what brave men are capable of nor did he learn of their creed "Duty, Honor and Country."  He is unprepared for even that short list of commitment.  From his perspective his Duty is to exploit his position for financial gain.  Honor means only what you can get away with, while Country is merely real estate to be developed and branded with a capital "T".

Trump's motto, " Lie big, Lie often, defend the Lie and Attack reality."

Contrary to their motto the boy scouts were totally unprepared Trump's campaign ravings about how great he was and why they should vote him.  As usual he was wrong about the crowd being the largest ever and it would probably have been even smaller if they hadn't been marched to the speech.

While Trump was abusing the scouts his chief of staff was unprepared when in loyalty to the leader the Mooch tied the can to the chief.  The Mooch who saw greater glory for himself was unprepared when a day later Trump tied a can to his own tail.

Trump himself was unprepared when the Senate repeatedly shot him down on health care bill.  Despite ten holes in his foot Trump is demanding one more shot as he limps across his golf course maintained by low wage immigrants.  Are his employees prepared or exempt from green card checks?

The scouts motto is of course "Be Prepared" but then Trump never lowered himself to join the "rabble" in scouting.  The exact ranking of scouting in Trump's mind is difficult to determine because their values are so alien to him.  The scouts praise things like honor and trustworthiness while he has repeatedly proven that he has no honor and can't be trusted.   For Trump loyalty only works one way, to Der Donald, as he is quick to shove friends and foes alike under any bus he is driving.  Foreign leaders have discovered that Trump is neither friendly nor even courteous to potential allies rather he is hostile and domineering. As for thrifty he is the envy of every drunken sailor, spending the people's money for his own gratification touring his empire of golf clubs.  Trump was totally unprepared to serve as the nation's leader and continues to be unprepared to serve as he refuses the hard work of paying attention to the complexities of governance.

Another scout attribute, bravery is also absent in Trump.  When he is faced by bigger bullies it is Trump who hits the wall.  In his defense Trump was never a scout and never learned their basic code of conduct and sees no reason to learn from some foreign ideas. (In 1907, Robert Baden-Powell, founded the Scouting movement in England, in America Powell's ideas merged in 1910 with existing boy clubs to become BSA.)

Der Donald somehow avoided the draft for eight years (1964 to the 1972 end of draft) and did not serve in the military.  This is not a condemnation as the draft was a crapshoot for most young men of the era.  Even if called up the draft was easily avoided if there was enough money to enroll in college or flee to Canada and Sweden.  So Trump should not be blamed for failing to serve, most of his generation did not.  This lack of service however left its mark on the man for he never saw what brave men are capable of nor did he learn of their creed "Duty, Honor and Country."  He is unprepared for even that short list of commitment.  From his perspective his Duty is to exploit his position for financial gain.  Honor means only what you can get away with, while Country is merely real estate to be developed and branded with a capital "T".

Trump's motto, " Lie big, Lie often, defend the Lie and Attack reality."