Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Again 071617

For the record I didn't think Trump would be a very good president but I did expect him to be better than he is with some honor, integrity and real attempts to do the job.  So far he has demonstrated a failure on of all three issues without even trying.   He became famous by tactlessly firing people; can the people fire Der Donald?  That would make a good scenario for next season's sitcom hit.

The GOP Senate is good at putting band-aids on bad legislation.  However they practice witch doctor medicine for the republic and punishes those they are supposed to serve.  It seems that Trump has had one success, he has taught the party to lie, lie big and hope no one notices, they always notice.  A good health care bill can not be a partisan bill but must be a people's bill that a real bipartisan majority of the Senate can support.  This bill is too important for electioneering.  GOP Senators are supposed to serve the people not Trump.  Stop take a breath, start over in the daylight even if it takes a year. Craft something to make the nation proud, the world applaud and emulate.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to be leading a GOP kamikaze charge to demonstrate his loyalty to Emperor Donald.  Read the founding documents, the U.S. is a republic, power does not rest with emperors, kings or even majority leaders it rest with the people. 

Senate bill is for Trump don't care health, and he doesn't care as long as it's branded TRUMP.

Attending this years Bastille day ceremony honoring American soldiers' 1917 arrival in France, Der Donald, ever the bully, again attempted to best the French President Emmanuel Macron with a crushing hand shake.  Der Donald failed to subdue Macron during his earlier trip to Europe.  In a move that can only be termed as trying to Indian wrestle Macron off balance Der Donald failed again.  The move was mostly missed by the American media but the European press was quick to pick up that Der Donald embarrassed only himself.  When this fat old man attempts to wrestle an athletic man half his age the result is egg on America's face.  Macron is attempting to act as a peacemaker between Der Donald and other European leaders, lots of luck Emmanuel.  Der Donald doesn't want peace with those he can't cower.

Just a thought, who is paying for the White House's growing regiment of lawyers?

The White House is arming Trump's troops with ammunition to attack and destroy his legions of protesters.  Anyone sending policy protest emails to the White House have discovered all their personal information is being released exposing them to: identity theft, hacking of personal accounts, exposure to electronic and even physical attacks. It will also stifle future protest when seen as endangerment of family and friends, a favored authoritarian tactic.

It appears that the Trump administration is subservient to the Trump business interest.  Der Donald threw a mid-east ally (Quatar) under the bus, possibly because senior White House advisor Jared Kushner was refused a Quatari billionaire's half billion-dollar loan/investment to save his real estate project.

Florida GOP legislators have passed legislation allowing anyone to object to any book deemed not suited to student needs.  There goes literature, art, history, science, evolution, climate change and reading anything more than Trump's 140 character rants.
Here comes book burnings and blue painted pagans dancing naked around the blaze.  Mao had his little red book, what will be the color Trump's diatribe, bound in genuine faux leather and auto signed by der leader.

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