Saturday, October 20, 2012

Destiny 100912

The United States of 19th century was one of Manifest Destiny.  According to its proponents it was the destiny of the new nation to reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

Many even advocated the annexation of Canada and Mexico. Exploration of the Louisiana territory led to conflicts over British Canada’s Oregon territory. After minor skirmishes the northern border, was adjusted in a series of negotiations. Stripping Mexico of much of its territory by conquest the U.S. made a token payment for the stolen land. Russia unable to protect its colonies from American and British commercial interest agreed to sell its settlements in Alaska and along the West Coast.  The Americans took the opportunity to claim all native lands between the settlements and Canada.  Through political skullduggery and a little force in the late 1800s the United States seized the independent Kingdom of Hawaii. Manifest Destiny then searched for colonies in the Pacific and Atlantic with a canal between the two through Latin America. 

The United States achieved its Manifest Destiny at the cost of its idealism.  The country practiced slavery, ethnic cleansing, genocide, concentration camps, cultural extinction, war and manipulation of due process to acquire territories.  A late comer to colonial power, Manifest Destiny was left with only a few islands but was quick to subjugate them with skills learned in the 19th century.  America also learned that colonial empires are expensive to maintain and following a British model turned administration over to big businesses that extorted native wealth while oppressing populations. 

The 20th century ushered in a horrified progressive movement demanding humane treatment for indigenous natives.  The century also saw the country involved in five major wars, untold numbers of minor conflicts.  It also joined other colonial powers’ suppression of nationalist aspirations. In an almost “last man standing” victory the United States came out of World War Two as the world's most respected nation.  Harden by war the victor developed a self-image that its destiny was now world domination. Believing its own propaganda and blinded by its vision, the country soon began to lose its glitter around the globe.  With a still mighty military the country found that while it could win battles it could not win political wars and was repeatedly forced into a face saving withdrawals.  Soon the only people who believed American propaganda were themselves.

It was a begrimed, beggared and bedraggled Imperial America that entered the 21st century.  With few friends it soon discovered many enemies able to reach into its heartland.  Unable to fight shadows, as a distraction America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq defeating their forces quickly with overwhelming power it could not sustain.  By twisting arms and bribery a token force was recruited to appear as an international effort but the war rested squarely on American shoulders. After ten years of military occupation attempting to install 19th century colonial regimes responsive to Washington, America faces total rejection.  Insurgencies and competing factions now tear both countries with the rot spreading throughout the region.  In the face of failure America is again declaring victory and withdrawing.

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