Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wondering 122112

Despite best intentions I did no wandering this year.  No valid reason, just plain procrastination with ex post justifications.  I could blame the Aztecs, what was the point of seeing a world that was supposed to end yesterday?

I expected a big finish and sat up all night staring south over the shimmering waters of a swimming pool.  There was no grand light show; no giant Aztecs charging out of purple clouds to avenge their conquest.  Disappointment reigns, however while contemplating the “END” I wondered about the mystical 2012 year. 

The Aztecs almost got it right, 2012 was an election year with politician’s lingering claims and counterclaims doing much to destroy any world respect.  The people spoke but politicians protested and rebelled to punish the 47 percent.  Pure speculation, it seems that House Republicans are manipulating the Stock Market.  They promise a budget, the market soars, then cancel the deal and the market plunges. A buyback and repeat of the cycle reaps windfall profits on insider trading. Madoff should have run for Congress he could have made much more money and been exempt from prosecution.

A frustrated Mother Nature stepped in with a series of Super Storms that battered Asia, Europe and America.  Fundamentalist Christians are blaming fundamentalist Muslims for the current storm that is disrupting Christmas holiday ravel.  Wasn’t Christmas plagiarized from an ancient pagan ritual?  Apparently there are lots of disappointed gloom and doom boys out there, the movie channels have been running marathons of every bad ‘end of the world’ picture ever made.

So far Africa has been spared a super storm and Aztec fever but they have their very own disaster known as Africa Command and Associates.  Forced from Iraq and Afghanistan the Generals are vigorously stirring the Africa pot searching for a war they can win.  Now even formerly stable countries are facing conflicts as the Generals poke them with their big sticks.

Speaking of big sticks.  Back in the good old days of the Vietnam War a Khaki Mafia emerged.  This was a conspiracy of senior NCOs to control clubs, prostitution, black markets, and everything else that generated cash.  Post war analysis concluded that officers should have a piece of the action.  Ethics and integrity eroded, how to courses were taught on deception, financial manipulations and black ops.  As very bright bureaucrats moved up the ranks they began to feel themselves above the law and applied their skills for self-interest.  With little oversight during the 911 era many dipped a toe into dark pools, others dipped more than a toe.  As another problematic military adventure draws to a close there is less cover for personal adventures.  2012 exposed cookie jars and perfumed gardens raided by senior officers with cover-ups and deceptions right out of their textbooks.  The other shoe has yet to drop, or is that another falling star?

Where is a good Aztec apocalypse when we need one?

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