Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Catch up two 021418

Jerusalem:  Trump blew it again, Jerusalem should be an open city because it really is holy to three warring religions and to declare one over the others insures war will go on.  Trump blows in the wind and the wind from Mecca may ultimately cover Jerusalem and Rome with sand.  Is it impossible for America to make friends rather than enemies?  Wasn't one of Trump's many rants to bring peace in the Middle East?  This "ain't" a peace making deal. 

Special Counsel:  When a special counsel is fired by an administration that is being investigated then there should be an automatic review by an appeals court independent of any administration appointed judges.  An administration packed court, which is a GOP goal, would be suspect in any ruling handed down.  If an administration appointed court rules against independent investigation of that administration it would be the end of democracy and reinforce Trump's attempts at authoritarian rule.  The GOP congress has already proven that it will not stand up for the Constitution and the people against Trump rule.  Ultimately the final collapse of the United States and revolution.

Immigration: Trump is attempting to cut a deal on immigration, that imposes even more pain and suffering on innocent people, in order to get what he wants by bullying Congress.  A Trump deal is a bad deal and should be rejected immediately upon his proposal.  There does need to be a wall, not on the border but around the White House. A border wall is a waste of money on a failed concept.  A White House (WH) wall however just might keep Trump off his many golf courses and in Washington.   Don't expect the WH wall to insure rational government.

State of Union: In bad shape, I have no interest in watching a talking parrot reading from  a list of special interests by a man unable to tell the truth on anything.  With his proven record why should we pay attention to more lies while he attempts divert attention from his high crimes and overthrow of democracy.  The fact is that Congress appears incapable of defending the Constitution against his repeated attacks,  indicates he is accomplishing the objectives of American adversaries.  This SOTU will probably be just another fund raising campaign rally.  I'm much more effective in wasting my own time than watching another reality show on TV. 

Designated survivor: Donald Duck for Trump's designated survivor, it would be a step up.  A real entertainer with credibility to replace a fake entertainer with none.

Need a larger budget for snow removal from Minnesota golf courses that would be developed in exploitation of public wilderness areas.

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