Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Catch up 021418

Memos:  The GOP memo was manufactured by a known Trump agent in Congress in an attempt to obstruct justice in defense of Der Donald.  The Democratic memo is an attempt to defend American legal system.  While the GOP memo is known to contain false and bias information the Democrats' memo proclaims to be an attempt correct the record it may also contain bias.  To withhold or redact the Democrats' memo is another Wall: Protect the former children and forget the Wall.  To quote that GOP saint, Ronald Reagan, "Tear down that wall." Clear attempt to obstruct American justice.  Both document must now be available to the public in a last defense of democracy.

Clean water:  Another attack on science, it's well proven that watersheds feed larger bodies of water.  Filling in watersheds for golf courses or hazardous  waste dumps will poison the land, kill wild life and ultimately all life. There is no need for an expensive Mars exploration, just wait for Trump finish his destruction of earth and save all that money for caskets.

Pentagon and money:  It is probable that Pentagon has lost far more money than the missing billion from one line item.  It is proven that there is serious corruption within the military, (on going naval cases) major waste and lack of accountable.  The military system is to inflate budgets to justify promotions.  In the far flung operations the military has been throwing money  at problems to hide its inability to craft solutions.  Corrupt local officials in Iraq and Afghanistan have become rich on direct handouts and what they and what they are able to divert from American projects.  The military does not want the scope of  the problem to become known, while pleading poverty to extort more funds from Congress.  There should be no defense budget increases until the Pentagon can account for every dollar, it still will be able to fund its corruption on the lose pennies. Congress should not allow itself to continue to be blackmailed by corrupt generals cries of national security crises.

Journalist protection:  A dictator's ancient cry, "kill the messenger," has become a democracy's president's order to his fanatical supporters.  It is sad that this legislation has become necessary in America.

Everyone love a parade:  The cost of Trump's parade will probably exceed 20 million dollars.  Such a parade Trump envisions (the greatest ever) follows those grand parades of Hitler, Stalin and Kim.  Those were just to show the world military might, the French Bastille day parade dates from it birth as a republic.  Each of these parades marched 20 abreast down broad avenues, longer and possible wider than the national mall.  Trump can only offer the congested Pennsylvania Ave.  In the foreign countries troops and equipment are already stationed close of the capitals.  American troops and tanks are hundreds even thousands of miles away and would have to be transported days in advance disrupting regular air, rail and road transportation.  In Washington the troops would be sleeping on the ground in all kinds of weather.  It is doubtful Trump would put that "dirty rabble" up in his tower.  He might over charge the more senior officers for the servants' quarters.  Past parades have been a salute to victories or to honor soldiers, who hate such parades.  Trump's parade is another ego trip to honor Trump, who has no honor and done nothing for the country.  Save money and give the troops a month off instead of abusing them for at least a month of parade preparations.

Infrastructure:  Trump's non-plan falls far short of needs and even the 1930's WPA accomplishments.  To repair the U.S. infrastructure far more money is needed than what Trump claims for his useless wall.  His plan feeds his friends who can pig out at Trump's trough but does little for the country.  Consider the need to first repair dams, lots of lives at stake down stream, not to mention electrical power, flood control and drinking water.  Second there are all the bridges and over/under passes that carries commerce.  Then there is an urgent need for a true national transit system that could bring the country up to at least 19th century standards.  The rail/bus systems have deteriorated to the point that we can't get there from here, except by private automobiles.  Auto & Oil companies marketing the romance of the road created America's love affair with cars in the post war era.  That romance has turned to hate of traffic jams, smog, oil addiction, failing scattered malls and wall to wall blacktop; its time for a divorce.  Air travel was once a pleasure and is now a pain in the cramped seats of sardine packed planes.  Add to discomfort on planes is the difficulty in getting to airport, fighting the confusion of changing regulations, humiliating non-security screening, ground delays, air delays and short hop flying take longer & cost more than boarding an old steam train.  Why is the United States the only major country without high speed rail?  What is needed is a vision for future infrastructure needs humanity not expensive handout to big business and golf courses.

Education reform:  Another Trump disaster,  America became great on universal public education in the 19th and early 20th century.  So now let's privatize for poor education or expensive good elite education.  There is money to be made and parents to be extorted.

2019 Budget: Obviously the road to a police state to keep the starving rabble in its place.

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