Friday, November 13, 2020

Coup 111120

 Election 2020 is the election that won’t end with the incumbent loser attempting a coup by reversing its results in the finest fascist tradition.

Trump’s political career follows the classic fascist model. Identify a disenchanted segment of the population; feed it a diet of fear, hate and lies at spectacular rallies while wrapped in false patriotism.  Consolidate power by creating a uniform to distinguish radical followers from an “opposition” (black shirts, brown shirts, RED HATS).   Then incite the red hats to intimidate and attack the general population creating systemic vulnerability for the country.  That vulnerability facilitates the use of democratic processes to seize power.  In power corrupt the institutions of government by replacing judges and professional civil service with unqualified red hat loyalist.  Then micro manage through one a man rule that ignores unwelcome dynamic realities.

This is the model of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler among others.  This difference between Trump and the big three dictators, they were a lot smarter.  Remember they ended in destroying their countries and Trump is on track to destroy his country and his party. This administration is one of Trump rule not Trump governance. From day one it has been campaign Trump, feeding the red hats their regular diet of fear, hate and lies.  This has been the most corrupt national administration in American history.  Unlike straight arrow Grant’s administration Trump not only condones agency corruption but runs much of it from the White House.  Consider no-bid contracts for political donors, witness intimidation, bribery, jury tampering, a stream of obvious lies and waste of tax dollars for political support.  At the same time Trump withholds funds to organizations and states not considered sufficiently 'loyal' to the golfer in chief.  Election 2020 was a ‘come to Jesus moment’ for Trump (remember he claimed to be divinely chosen) he lost and lost big.

In his blundering careers he had many failures and bankruptcies but these were mostly out of sight. However during election 2020 he was publicly tagged as a loser and may also have bankrupted his party and even the country.  It’s possible that being a loser is not the issue that bothers Trump but rather the public exposure of his character flaws that led to his defeat.  He is flailing away crying fraud, robbery and hiring hundreds of lawyers (he can’t pay) to muddy election waters, possibly an effort to prevent states from certifying the election results to justify his coup.  A week after the election Trump continues refuses to acknowledge his lost filing multiple challenges to the results.  GOP party leaders, from fear or self-interest, are supporting Trump’s claims that the election was stolen.  They claim that they are giving Trump’s ego time to adjust to his lost but the truth of the matter is that they are accessory in Trump’s attempted coup.

While his coup attempt flounders on he hides in the White House watching TV and tweeting a steady diet of lies and ordering the red hats send money to pay his bills and for more lawsuits in support of his coup.  It appears that he is still trying to incite his red hats to lead a revolution returning Trump to power.  While waiting for the revolution Trump ignores the nation’s peril from what history may call the GOP virus for its failures to deal with the crisis.

Now while thousands are dying, like the Queen of Hearts he is shouting “Off with their heads,” but must settle with decapitating national security agencies to degrade the next administration ability to govern.  If he ultimately must surrender when his coup fails it won't be his fault.  The red hats will have betrayed Der Donald and the country deserves to die.

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