Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The fall 093019

A republic is a State without a monarch with the power remaining with the people.  Republics are not built of stone and have a history of falling.  The French have gone through so many republics that they are known as numbers.  Rome lost its republic to Augustus Caesar. There are a number American Republics that have come and gone then power returned to the people through revolutions.

The United States was established as a Republic but in its 200 plus years it has often been stressed as political interest have attempted to take the power away from the people.  The country is in the throes of another attempt as Trump campaigns for a dynastic imperial presidency of the Empire of Donald.  The Empire’s national sport will be golf, its national symbol the “birdie”, and the seal will have the image of a wall of entwined “Ts” topped with crossed golf clubs.  The Trump organization will have exclusive rights to Imperial symbols.  The rabble must pay exorbitant taxes while corporations and business will pay for protection in the finest traditions of old New York and Russian mobs.  Foreign nations will be extorted to support the chosen one under in the name of tariffs.  Frightening image but it is in the works.  The arm breakers have increasingly become the Senate, “Blue Wall” and packed courts.

Trump has publicly declared that he has no intention of surrendering to the people and intends to remain in power as anointed President for life.  Belatedly the House has opened an impeachment investigation with little hope of penetrating the White House stonewall, which hopes to be the most successful wall in history.

However that stone wall is beginning to shows some cracks.  An arrogant Trump has admitted some polite arm twisting in the Ukraine to influence our 2020 election.  The Ukraine may prove to be the smoking gun that validates the hypothesis that began the Muller investigation.  Trump is calling the investigators traitors and threatens persecution.  He is also calling for civil war to defend his imperial presidency.  His propaganda machine is working overtime to defend the administration.  He may have finally gone past the limits of sanity.  Despite Trump’s stonewall orders the White House has become leak central.

If indictment's begins to rain down they must include Pence, McConnell, Barr and Nunes as accessories before and after the fact.  They not only knew that crimes were being committed but also are actively participating in massive cover-ups.  As the noose begins to tighten Trump will incite his mob to overthrow the Republic in a civil war.  He has never demonstrated a grasp of the world beyond reality TV scriptwriters.  In the real world it is easy to incite a mob but impossible to control one.  Once a national mob begins to flex its muscle it becomes a dynamic that will destroy the Republic beyond repair.  The United States will splinter into many competing fractions similar to Yugoslavia.  Trump’s civil war will probably be more bloodily than America’s previous war that brought the country together.  Trumps‘ civil war will tear the fabric of the nation.  It’s possible that states’ rights objectives of the first civil war may be attained in some parts of the country while lasting anarchy will rule across wide regions for extended periods as polities are unable to form consensus.  This American revolution will not be a Jeffersonian Revolution, but more likely resemble that of Robespierre,  “off with your head.”

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