Thursday, April 25, 2019

Horrors 042319

Should Congress rush to impeach Trump?  Not yet, Mueller ran his investigation pretty much in accordance with his mandate, Russian influence in 2016 election.  Along the way he uncovered other crimes that couldn't be ignored.  Despite claims by the White House of Horrors, Mueller didn't pursue wide ranging leads of other criminal activities by this administration.

To begin impeachment proceeding only on the immediate charges will be seen as a no win partisan battle.  There is no doubt that this administration is the most corrupt in the history of the county.  Grant's administration previously held that dubious honor but Grant himself was clean, just naive about the people around him.  Trump on the other hand is using his office to further his own business interest and personally directing the corruption of those around him. 

What is needed are further investigations into the full extent of his corruption while in office and even before.  It is probable that evidence of extensive financial crimes will be uncovered, possibly even links to foreign organized crime.  The point is that the impeachment indictment should be so complete with incontrovertible evidence that most of the GOP will finally stop covering up for a national criminal enterprise and treason.  Some of the Republicans will discover some remaining integrity while other may hope to avoid being charged as accessories.  Trump will issue and executive order repealing RICO laws for his administration and continue attempts to blackmail, bribe and threaten legislators who could vote for impeachment.

If it takes another year to gather all the evidence, so be it.  If Trump is out of office before the case is ready to go to trial any honest US Attorney could pursue criminal charges if the Attorney General continues to be one of the corrupted.

Trump can have a honest real first, first former American President to serve hard time.  Imprisonment in club Fed shouldn't be an option, no golf for prisoner number one he's known to cheat and other players there carry shivs.

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