Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Buzz 080517

The DC buzz might be an administration trial balloon to see if Trump could get away with changing horses in mid-stream. The reaction should be, at all cost prevent Trump's recess appointments.  That said neither the president nor congress (either house) have earned a vacation.  Forget a re-boot of heath care come back and move on, let committees treat wounds that the battle has inflicted on government.  The new agenda on the hill should be to kill the border wall, repair the decaying infrastructure, simplify tax structure, deal with real problems and ignore Trump generated fake news

Protect the investigations and investigators from Trump's bullying fury.  The investigation is already faced with the most corrupt administration in American History.  This is a case of "follow the money" wherever it leads and punish perjury and obstruction whoever is guilty.  Shake the trees and rake the leaves, the danger is procrastination when continued corruption can destroy the country.

Stand up to the want a be dictator and protect the constitution and nation from Der Donald.  It's probable that those that do standup will become national heroes in the near future.   Presidents have always used a little polite arm-twisting to advance their agendas
The problem is that Trump's agenda extends no further than branding a big "T" on everything while advancing his business empire.  Polite arm-twisting has become publicly swinging a nine iron at the head all who displeases in an attempt to rule by fear.  He has publicly threatened members of Congress with every punishment available to politicians except (as yet) imprisonment.  Imprisonment however has been promised to journalist that exposes his questionable antics.  This week more of Trump's lies were exposed when it was discovered that he invented congratulatory calls from leaders of Boy Scouts of America after spewing hate, insults and campaign slogans in a speech at the Scout jamboree.  Almost in the same breath he falsely claimed a congratulatory call from the president of Mexico, again never happened.  

Senator Jeff Flake has noted, "Under our Constitution, there simply are not that many people who are in a position to do something about an executive branch in chaos. Too often, we observe the unfolding drama along with the rest of the country, passively, all but saying, ‘Someone should do something!’ without seeming to realize that someone is us.”

Trump's thumpers have been ordered out into the streets to enforce loyalty to Der Donald by roughing up opposition and questioners to his true words posted on twitter.  Does all this sound familiar from almost a century ago?  Congress must exercise its constitutional checks and balances quickly before there is no Congress to protect the people and the judiciary is relegated to being a rubber stamp.

Almost a century ago author Sinclair Lewis wrote, "It Can't Happen Here," a novel based on the possible rise of a populace leader in America.  It is a disturbing book viewed against 21st century reality, much more so than Orwell's 1984.  Every Congressman and Senator should have copies of both open on their desks.

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