Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sitcom 021415

Electioneering for next political festival has all the makings of a good situation comedy but for the people who must endure, it also has the aspects of the Greek Tragedy.  The 16 comedy of errors began before election 14 was even decided. 

Potential candidates began to stake out their claims of being more conservative or liberal than thou.  For campaign watchers it was more fun than Saturday Night Live at its satirical best.  The tragedy is that many of the wild-eyed promises will end up in party platforms.  It's well accepted that most candidates will renege on campaign promises, but there might be one or two who honestly attempt to keep their promises to either the radical left or right. Honest attempts to deliver however may box the country into a similar position as the recently elected Greek government where unrealistic campaign promises now threaten to destroy the economy, government and country.

America's revolution freed the county from a tyrannical royal monarchy over 200 years ago. However, during those two centuries America began to develop its own, above the law, royalty and noble families.  Senators and Congressmen virtually serve for life as few are ever voted out office with their descendants dynastically carrying on.  It appears that next year's voters must choose between two competing dynasties as the leading candidates are Bush the third and Clinton the second. 

The Bush family is already putting forward a Bush the fourth as the next generation to carry on the family's royalty business.  Looking back at American history it seems the Clinton name has popped up in national politics at least four times, admittedly one was a British general during the revolution.  Does that mean that Hillary is really Clinton the fifth?  Maybe we need a fifth for this coming election, make that a hogshead of Jack Black Whisky (Scotch or Vodka may be preferred but are probably considered un-American and subject to denunciation by the conservative House.) Supermarket rags should forget about who is going to inherit the British throne for gossip about the Lord and Ladies of Washington and who will inherit the kingdom of Potomac.  There is enough clay in the running feet to build a ten-foot brick wall around the country.  That's an idea for House consideration for immigration reform.

Cost estimates for the next election runs into billions.  For that kind of money it would seem that the country could afford a whole new slate of candidates rather than having to recycling the old entrenched Lords and Ladies.  That is really carrying environmental recycling to an extreme.

Maybe the best candidates should be those that run poor campaigns by only promising too honestly do their best to govern in the interest of all the people.  An impossible dream, the country doesn't want honest politicians who considers the interests of all those people who disagree with ME.

With two years to go maybe the country really needs a tanker fleet of Jack Black just to survive the rhetoric.  We might not survive but at least we can go out happy.

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