Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 14, 103014

October is the month when the movie channels get to dust off all the old grade "Z" horror films.  Advertisers managed to stretch a one-day Christian celebration into a month long marketing orgy of blood, screams, and adult tricks with cheap treats for the kids. 

Halloween 2014 has been particularly bloody with diabolical tricks on the entire population in the run up to November elections.  Every election cycle has become more vicious as candidates become Whirling Dervishes in spinning "truths". The Supreme Court's tricks opened the door to virtually unlimited campaign funds and protected political rhetoric as free speech. Candidates no longer bother inventing their truths, now they un-apologetically flat out lie with their tricks running for months. Congressional tricks muddy the water and freed political tele-marketers to interrupt every meal.  Once upon a time voters were able to rest between elections but political tricksters are already working on Halloween 2015.

One party promises a return to the good old days.  Electioneering in the good old days bought votes for a pint of whisky, candidates really stabbed each other and minorities were lynched for even dreaming of voting.  The good old days were much cheaper than the forecast billion-dollar price tag of today's partisan campaigns. A billion could feed lots homeless this thanksgiving.  Instead it'll feed dissention, alienation and ultimately the collapse of the culture.  The HORROR of it all is that there are no possible treats for voters.

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