Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It’s official 040414

America has a passive court system. Judges don’t get to go out and find issues but rather must wait for just the right case to appear before their bench in order to make their precedent setting rulings.

The founding fathers fully understood the principle that wealth rules, but neglected to include it in the Constitution.  It has taken the Supreme Court well over 200 year to find just the right case to firmly establish wealth as the overriding principle of government.  It is now official the rich can openly buy the legislation that serves their best interests.

No longer do millionaires, billionaires and trillion dollar corporations have to sneak down dark alleys to buy their legislation.  They can finally come into the capitols and dump as much money as they want to insure that under their law they are fully protected from the proletarian concerns of the other 99 percent of the population.                     

It has been reported that, by percentage, this Congress is the richest in history, wonder how they made their fortunes?  The Florida legislators apparently have their hands out for a share of new wealth as they are attempting major liability protections for businesses. They are also on a roll, expanding “Stand your ground (SurG)” legislation.  It’s possible that SurG may soon include a self defense plea for legislators who shoot opposition voters.  They really do feel their lifestyle is being threatened if they lose their place at the trough.

Law makers know how to protect their prerogatives by freeing government force from public accountability and making it dependent only on legislator protections.  The military now has authority to secretly detain citizens indefinitely without charges and in contravention to Constitutional protections.  So far the Commander in Chief has not seen fit to exercise this authorization but another president has only to say go do-it before people begin to disappear into the darkness of an area 51 concentration camp. 

In some states police activities are already protected from being publicly recorded.  Even in states without such police protections, cops seize, even destroy, personal camera phones that may have captured questionable activities.  Simple protests lead to arrest and imprisonment on false charges that are eventually dropped after the citizens spend days in jail being sufficiently intimidated.  Unions are under government attacks, as terrorist organizations that threaten the wealthy’s ability to earn enough to buy legislation. Remember unions terrorized and brought down 19th century robber barons so they really do pose a significant threat to aspiring barons.
Governments now spend massive amounts of tax dollars telling the populace what to think and justifying even greater restrictions on liberties of the 99 percent.

It is probable that in the future new wave children will ask, “Grandpa, what was it like in the evil old days of democracy when any serf could question government?”   

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