Thursday, September 12, 2013

Right turn 090713

It appears that the 21st century is making a hard right turn.  In politics the “Right” equates to conservatism while the “Left” refers to liberalism.  Here lies an enigma, just what defines right from left, which leads to the question of right or left of what?

The latter question is relatively easy to understand the measure is from the perspective of a commentator who induces personal bias in a lean either left or right.  This circular reasoning leads back to what is right and left?  A conservative believes the status quo is the correct path while a liberal believes change can improve the human condition. Over time politics swings to and fro between the two views, allowing modernization and eventual compromise equilibrium.  Ultra conservatives however want to reverse course and return the polity to a mythical past where choice was restricted.  Ultra liberals embrace a future of continual change as their utopia.  Between the ultras, there is no middle ground, no compromise, no choice only gridlock. Political warfare rules as the ultras battle for total power.  Humanity becomes hostage to extremist minorities. 

Over time the left and rights have plagiarizing each other’s ideas in pursuit of political power. Determining the direction of political change is difficult when ultras seize the debate and control agendas.  The personal bias of politicians, journalist and other opinion gatekeepers’ obscure issues.  Determining ideological shifts requires ignoring exciting proclamations and rants to search of unbiased truths.  Public studies are narrow in scope presenting an inaccurate political compass, but scientific methodology can serve as a global positioning satellite (GPS) for critical thinking.  Indicators lie on the back pages of obscure newspapers and research journals independent of political dynamics.  Objective analysis of all resulting data provides a more accurate indication of the political direction.

Consider: Open warfare among religious fundamentalists even on less fundamental within the same faith.    Surviving the 20th century labor protections are again facing political attacks and repeal.  Swarms of black garbed, shoot first swat teams who cover up public abuse have replaced friendly neighborhood policing.  Universal suffrage is being obstructed by governments’ actions.  Corruption has become universal. Secret prison are being uncovered in democratic countries.  Under the cloak of anti-terrorism, laws have been passed that curtail individual freedoms.  Secret courts have authorized public surveillance of innocent citizens and arrests without charges or limits.  Neighbor reports of incorrect political thoughts find their way in secret dossiers for future charges. Political prisoners are becoming the norm.  Robotic weapons of mass destruction are being employed with bureaucratic zeal. Some low-tech third world countries now appear more open than long established democracies.

The ultra right seeks to march a millennium backward to time when small elites could control great masses of disenfranchised serfs by draconian laws.  As last vestiges of liberalism disappear the ultra right perceives their utopia.  What they fail to see is that the oppressed will eventually arise swinging the political pendulum in the opposite direction and the struggle will continue.  It is time for moderate right and leftist to recapture their parties, govern for the people to prevent the world from slipping into another Dark Age.

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