Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning 020711

A Florida legislator has proposed a law to give teacher the authority to grade parents.  Granted there are good parents, bad parents and those in between but what are the standards to be met?

There is however a more important question. What qualifies a teacher to grade parents when they are not trusted to fairly grade students in their classrooms?  In the last half century the nation has generated distrust of teachers and at the same time institutionalized their failure at a very high cost. If teachers could be trusted for honest grades there would be no need to subject students to a barrage of external testing.  Test developed by "professional educators," to get more of the public education pie, extorted from those failing parents.

There is no question that parents need to pay attention to their children’s development and education while they work two and three jobs to pay for non-teaching professional educators.  The flunking parents are really those that don't take an interest by ensuring that those professionals are providing effective and efficient basic learning opportunities.

It may be interesting to note that the rise of “Johnny can't read” and America's declining education standing is in direct correlation to the rise of professional educators’ theories.

Forget bigger budgets and blaming each other, the real issue is the future of kids.  They are the nation’s future give them a chance. The cost of education continues to rise as the knowledge of students fall, cost benefit analysis would seen to indicate that education has diverted most to a dead end track.  Parents, teachers and educators are guilty of past failures and serve as a declining cultural model for the next generations, institutionalizing substandard education, greater failure and ultimately the “decline and fall” of another great power.  Great nations aren’t defeated they commit suicide, a first step is ignoring the real education requirements of a nation’s future generations.

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