Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Evolutions 010610

Ignoring the religious controversies over Darwin’s evolution theories, historical evolution exists.  Historical evolution is alive in the minds of a few remaining centenarians who saw the birth of the 20th century but the full evolution of the 20th century has millions of living witnesses.

One major engine of 20th century evolution was war.  The century suffered from three world wars (one, two and cold) and innumerable border conflicts, ethnic battles and very uncivil wars.  World Wars One and Two unleashed technical innovations that changed how people interact.  They also unleashed the aspirations of the world’s ignored and oppressed people.  The peoples’ evolution was movements to nationalism and freedom from colonial masters.  At the end of World War One all the great nationalist leaders of the century were alive and campaigning for justice. 

There were liberal movements emerging around the world seeking a promised “Self Determination.”  To win allies the great powers promised much liberalization but on victory their interests quickly embraced conservatism.  The liberals wanted change; the conservative wanted the status quo. Each movement was ripped by internal struggles with their “Ultras.”  Ultra liberals demanded ever more and more radical change, while the ultra conservatives sought a return to the glory of supposed idealize pasts that never really existed.  Liberals and conservatives can negotiate, the ultra movements will never agree.  The seeds were sown for the century’s conflicts as old ultra conservatives sought to return the world to 19th century colonial empires. 

Afghanistan again ejected the British and Iraq rejected them in 27 gaining independence in 32.  From the Pacific to the Atlantic the liberal have-nots struggled with the conservative haves.  Into this mix World War Two was rocket science, linking the darkest reaches of the planet with a network of ideas, while leaving piles of technology and weapons.  The conservatives were bankrupt both in money and ideas while the liberals marched to new drums.  The 19th century was dead and the 20th had evolved.  Long suppressed nationalist wars erupted, and the conservative Cold War antagonists chose up sides fighting very hot proxy campaigns.  Evolution of ideas is not pretty nor do all accept change.  Faith also evolved but is resented by the conservative faithful.

The ultra liberal ideas of the 20th century, which brought nationalism and freedom, have proven too much to fast for faithful ultra conservatives.  They seek to reverse evolution returning to a simpler era where ideas can’t challenge their values.  Religious fundamentalists romanticize a view of centuries’ pasts but the genie is out of the bottle.  The past was not as idealized as imagined and a trip back is one of certain disappointment.

Rather than engage in ideological warfare, liberals and conservatives must engage in meaningful evolutionary dialogue of cooperation leading to peace.  Failure to do so in today’s already integrated world will lead to brutal sectarian warfare spawning a global Dark Age.   

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