Monday, May 6, 2013

Mr. President 050313

Do not allow militarist at DOD and in Congress drag the nation into Syria.  Active intervention in these wars will only generate greater regional anti-Americanism.  A little critical thinking should ask, if sophisticated chemical weapons were used where are the resulting mass casualties? 

Neither side would waste such weapons without expectation of decisive results.  (NOTE: U.S. and UK claim Syrian Government used Sarin gas, UN on the ground investigators however suspect rebels are responsible for the possible use of gas.  For the rebels decisive result would be to trigger U.S. support of their cause.) Opposition claims are not proofs; the military has a long record of embracing, even inventing, false claims to drag the nation after its war bandwagon.

What is the expected outcome of intervention?  Many different interests are involved in the multi-faceted struggles for power.  Allowing the militarist to support one faction over the others is a sure road to disaster from flawed military choices.  In recent years one only has to look at the mess DOD has already made in Asia and Africa.  It has failed in Iraq, Afghanistan, North Africa and destabilized the region while causing human casualties in pursuit of military political objectives.  In search of a victory it now threatens Syria, Iran Mali, Nigeria and every other place that won’t bow to its overwhelming power.  Insurgencies don’t just happen they are the result of flawed policies and foreign interventions.

The military is good at destruction not construction. It may advise on foreign policy but should never control national policies.  Contrary to militarist claims, Islam is not the enemy, conflicting political interests use militarist rampant anti-Muslim rhetoric to incite mobs and builds resistance movements.  More brave soldiers will die as the militarists pursue political self-interests.

American interest should be to make friends not more enemies.  It should take the high ground of humanitarianism, mediation, refugee protections and offer real assistance for lasting resolutions of regional crisis.  The military’s continued threats and active remote warfare are counter productive as it has already proven across Africa and Asia where the situation is snowballing into hell.  The military is no longer the defender of democracy and law, but rather the lawless in pursuit of territory under its control.  The policies of DOD have become, in effect, military coups at home and abroad.

In 1945 the United States was the strongest and most respected nation in the world. In the half-century since World War Two measures of power have shifted.  While the militarist advocate victory through remote control warfare they fail to realize that technology is universal and a leveler on future battlefields, but real people will still die.

To militarist, peace is an unnatural state that must be prevented whatever the cost, more good soldiers must become casualties for bad causes.  You must regain control of the military before it leads the nation into a final decline and fall of the American Era.

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