Friday, January 24, 2025

 Happening 010125

Portugal is nice and far enough away from Trump and Putin to survive four years without fear of take over.  That is if neither wants to corner the cork or tomato paste markets.

A century ago (1925) astute Germans noted the political winds, moved their assets and became expats or immigrants in “safe” lands.  We missed our chance.  Five years later the door closed, assets were frozen or seized and the fleeing became refugees that no one wanted.   A few refugees were able to convert their wealth into diamonds or other hard assets they smuggled to neutral lands.  There they discovered their wealth was greatly diminished in a buyer’s market (watch the movie Casablanca again) where a place to stay might cost five carats, ten carats with meals.  How is your diamond supply?

Canada and Panama are no longer safe havens for us and Mexico might not let us in even if we go the wetback route.  Fleeing to the mountains and forest is out since Trump is clearing land for oil wells.  The Gulf of “America” island countries are prime takeover real estate for Trump resorts.  Cuba may hold out as a possible safe haven, then again it might be sold back to the Mob in a mega deal.   Speaking of deals, the coming summit where Trump gets his orders from Putin may be reminiscent of the NAZI/Tokyo Pact for spheres of influence.  Putin will eat steak and Trump will dine on stale bread and soppings.

What to do, what to do!  
If you have billionaire friends, not already in Trump’s pocket, convince them to establish offshore media outlets to counter Musk’s growing propaganda empire.  “The truth shall make you free,” but what is the truth?  Fact check every word, every document and every action, shout real facts out loud and often.  The two party system failed America, the system was diverted into left/right extremism.  Your granddad’s party is not today’s party.  Two bad choices are no choice at all, forget labels and support candidates that live and breathe the future not some flawed vision of the past.  Pay attention who the people are and not what they try to hide on the now continuous campaigning.  Officials out campaigning are not out serving the public.

Almost forgotten now, America’s 1930s was awash with isolationism, xenophobia and sanctioned corruption.  The “America First Party” was a NAZI front, “Yellow Peril” the drum beat of false terror and minorities live in gettoes.  It was also the time when the United  States were the worlds industrial engine.   Today the yellow peril is back in political rhetoric as China is making friends and has over 45 percent of the worlds industrial capacity.  There is no catch up, it is time to make friends and save the world together as wildfires rage and oceans rise.  Will they ever meet?

Continuing alienation and conflict waste resources, degrades an already fragile environment and results in the eclipse  of old powers.  It is happening here, fight back, hold those responsible, accountable.  You have two years to make a difference.